  • 學位論文


A study of old names of places in Sanchih Dist, New Taipei City.

指導教授 : 林保堯


摘要 個體對於社群的特殊情感往往建立於具體的物質之上,如高山、河流或聚落、建物。物質包含於空間,空間就是社會、就是歷史… 地名通常是由該地最早拓墾的族群所命名,其語言、生活習慣、文化背景,政治軍事發展,乃至移民的原鄉地、聚落形成、經濟活動,自然景觀都可能成為地名形成的依據,由於族群不ㄧ及時空脈絡條件,地名的意涵與分佈亦反映族群的發展。從舊地名中還原一地的歷史成為一種有意義的課題。 本文以新北縣市三芝區地名為研究,除個人的地緣關係,最主要乃此地區仍屬輕度開發,保留較原始的地貌與聚落,當全球化如火如荼滲透,歷史記憶快速消失之際,了解並維護自己居住的土地及歷史文化,實刻不容緩。近年來由小學推展的鄉土教學及社區營造中村史地誌的書寫,都是一種歷史重建的人文動機,舊地名恰可成為一個研究的切點,本文將從三芝鄉地名中回溯,尋找特有的人文價值,以支持未來社造的推展。 預期成果主要在於舊地名歷史的重新梳理及田野的印證、前人研究疏漏的補充以及三芝鄉未來社造經營的初探。


Abstract It is not uncommon that an individual develops attachment towards a given group or community and that his or her attachment is often reflected and embodied in a substantial form of mountains, rivers, settlements, building or the like. Substantial beings exist in a certain space, which is a synonym of society and history. A place is usually named by the first ethnic group that pioneered and explored it. It could be named in relation to the ethnic group’s language, lifestyle, culture, political and military background, even to the immigrants’ homeland, the process of settling, economic activities or natural landscapes. Due the diversity of ethnic groups involved, the name of a place changes through the course of time and reveals the track of development of the settlers. As such, the old names of a place become a meaningful topic for historical and anthropological study. Place names in Sanchih Township of Taipei County (now of New Taipei City) are collected and studied in this thesis because this region is still under mild development and preserves to a great extent the original landscapes and settlements, on the top of the reason that Sanchih is also the author’s hometown. When globalization penetrates in full swing, historical memories are rapidly lost or scattered. It is urgent that one should learn of and preserve his or her own land and its history and culture. In recent years local primary schools have started to promote homeland education and communities have initiated recording in-village history and topography, which is quite an attempt of historical reconstruction. Old names of places in Sanchih Township can be well tapped to the aim of research of this thesis, and will be the anchor points to trace back to gain its historical and humanistic values and, hopefully, to promote community development in the future. The expected results are rediscovery of stories of old place names and reconfirmation through filed study, supplement to related historical literatures, and exploration of community future development of Sanchih Township.


