  • 學位論文


Chief Generals and Poems: A Study on Shoushanyan Guanyin Temple

指導教授 : 林保堯


本篇研究論文將以歷史與文獻學研究法做為研究的基本架構,並配合田野調查法 與口述訪談,希望用上述之研究方法,以期將欲研究的壽山巖觀音寺全貌,完善的呈現出來。本論文的研究重點放在壽山巖觀音寺與龜山鄉當地開發的淵源、壽山巖觀音寺奉祀神明與族群信仰的關聯、當地族群互動狀況與壽山巖觀音寺的關係、壽山巖觀音寺的藝術表現與文化價值。 首先,研究龜山鄉墾拓開發與壽山巖觀音寺創建之有關脈絡,其次探討壽山巖觀音寺奉祀神明與當地族群信仰背景需求的關係。再者來探討當地族群與仕紳之間對壽山巖觀音寺創建的影響,以及對於該寺廟有所貢獻的重要人士。最後,探究壽山巖觀音寺的藝術表現與文化價值,以及如何將其文化價值再活化利用,好讓這指定為縣定古蹟的壽山巖觀音寺所保持的悠久傳統,更能被民眾了解認識。 關鍵詞:龜山鄉、壽山巖觀音寺、觀音菩薩、宗教信仰、建築藝術


Abstract Utilizing methodologies based on historical and philological research, this study implements fieldwork and oral history interviews to gain a comprehensive understanding of Shoushanyan Guanyin Temple. This study focuses on the origin of local development for Shoushanyan Guanyin Temple and Gueishan Township, the relation between worship practices and local ethnic beliefs, the temple’s significance to the interaction between local ethnic groups, and its art and cultural value. Furthermore, this study analyzes the historical context behind the founding of Gueishan Township and Shoushanyan Guanyin Temple, and conducts an in-depth investigation on the relationship between worship practices at Shoushanyan Guanyin Temple and beliefs held by local ethnics. This is followed by a discussion on the influence of the local population and gentry on the construction of Shoushanyan Guanyin Temple, as well as particular individuals that contributed significantly to the temple’s establishment. Finally, the art and cultural value of Shoushanyan Guanyin Temple are discussed, while options for reviving and utilizing such values are explored. With these options, the long traditions of the temple, a designated historic site of the county, can be preserved so that they are able to be more easily recognized and understood by the public. Keywords: Gueishan Township, Shoushanyan Guanyin Temple, Guanyin Bodhisattva, religious beliefs, architecture and art


1996 《中央研究院民族學研所集刊第81期 澎湖的聚落單元-兼論清代澎湖的地方自治》。
