  • 學位論文


Alberto Giacometti’s Works and Psychological Process of His Creation

指導教授 : 劉思量


本研究以文獻分析與作品深層解析為主要研究方法,並參考心理學中心理發展、精神分析等相關理論,檢視雕塑家傑克梅第成長過程與創作歷程。並對照其歷年作品,剖析各階段的創作理念發展、轉變與作品特色。全文分成五章,探討傑克梅第成長期間,個人特質的養成與藝術思維的關係。從傑克梅第的作品深層解析,分析他每階段所面臨的挑戰、突破、轉變等心理過程,他一生對人的興趣與關注,追求「真實」的表現成為藝術理念實踐的核心。 傑克梅第各階段創作理念與形式的發展,分為數期:早期(20歲前後)藝術萌芽階段,創作理念尚未明確,嘗試視覺如何觀察人、物,並以藝術手法表現出來;荷蘭老人猝死的衝擊,引發他研究繪製頭顱骨,思索生命與死亡的意義;立體主義時期,傑克梅第關注「平面與立體的融合、複雜元素如何減約至極簡量塊、人的性別與女人、性是什麼?」這些課題;超現實主義時期的創作理念,借由造型與空間的表達,探討對性與性本能的迷惑、性的恐懼挫折、以及幼年戀母情結等問題;藝術成熟期,以更寬廣的視野和角度,關注表現「人與環境之間的關係;大小、距離與虛、實空間的關聯如何表現」。 另外,傑克梅第雕塑與繪畫作品中常留下揑痕與繁複的線條痕跡,可視為他與「真實」搏鬥留下的「奮鬥」過程,其「未完成」的特質,是探索真實過程中,努力貼近視覺「真實」的「不斷進行」的狀態。傑克梅第的作品、創作理念與生平,對了解藝術創作的真相,提供更多的啟示。


This study employs literature reviews and artwork analysis as its main research methods to examine Giacometti’s personal developments and creative processes, from a psychoanalytical perspective. The study compares his previous works and examines the development of his creative conceptions, transformations, and the features of his artworks at the different stages throughout his life. The analysis is divided into five sections, which investigates the effect of Giacometti’s developmental processes and personal maturation on his artistic thought process. From the analysis of Giacometti’s artworks, the challenges, breakthroughs, transformations he experienced at the different stages of his careers can be investigated. His lifelong interests and concern towards mankind, and his pursuit of his manifestation of “reality” were the core of his artistic thoughts and principles. The development of Giacometti’s creative conceptions and formations can be traced back to four stages: early experimental phase, cubism period, surrealism period, and maturation period. At the early experimental stages, during his twenties, his artistic talents were still developing and he was still finding a direction to express his creative conceptions. At this time, he experimented with ways to observe people and inanimate objects in order to express them in artistic form. The shock of the sudden death of an elderly Dutchman motivated him to research the sketching of the skull and to think about the meanings of life and death. During the cubism periods, Giacometti was concentrated on the following subjects: the merging of planer dimensions and three dimensional entities, the reduction of complicated forms to minimal intrinsic ones, and gender, woman and the meaning of sex. Throughout the surrealism period, Giacometti used shape and form expression to investigate the themes of sexual confusion, sex instinct, gynophobia, and Oedipus complex of childhood. Finally, at the stage of artistic maturation, with widened perspectives and viewpoints, he concentrated on the relationships between person and environment, with a focus on themes such as size, distance, positive and negative space. The hand-touched texture and the complicated lines evident in Giacometti’s sculptures and paintings can be seen as the remnants of his struggle and quest to capture reality. Especially, the incomplete characteristics of his work can be seen as static forms of the on-going processes of capturing visual reality. Giacometti’s artworks, creative conceptions, and life experience could provide more edification in understanding the reality of artistic creation.


李瑞媛,〈百科求知一對愚人:《溥樺與貝基械》〉,《中外文學》月刊,第33 卷,第12期,頁29-44。臺北:臺大外文系,2005/05。
西格蒙•佛洛伊德(Sigmund Freud),劉平、孫慶民等譯,《達文西對童年的回憶》(Eine kindheitserinnerung des Leonardo da Vinci),臺北:知書房, 2000。
赫伯特•里德(Herbert Read),李長俊譯,《現代雕塑史》,臺北巿:大陸書店,1972。
Hohl, Reinhold. Alberto Giacometti, Stuttgart : Verlag Gerd Hatje, 1971.


