  • 學位論文


The Effect of Location Advantages in China on Sequent Location Choice Behavior—Evidence from Taiwan MNEs

指導教授 : 陳靜怡


論文摘要 近年來由於中國大陸市場的對外開放,提出各項投資獎勵措施,吸引台灣廠商紛紛前往投資。而歷年大陸投資案件數有增加的情況,表示台灣廠商西進大陸投資的事實。在國際貿易競爭日益激烈的情形下,廠商基於生產成本和市場行銷之考量,對外投資已成為必然趨勢。廠商在決定對外投資的過程中,影響廠商對外投資地點選擇之因素,及隨著廠商對外投資之產業特性的不同,其所面對的顧客特性亦有所不同,已成為廠商在對外投資上常見的問題。而過去文獻多以總合的問卷資料探討廠商的投資行為;本研究則是將台商至大陸投資的案件分為四種產業群,具有由高至低的最終消費市場接近性。為探討這四種產業群特性對於區位因素影響之干擾效果,研究中開列四個具交乘項的順序邏吉斯迴歸模型。 本研究欲探討廠商投資大陸地點之先後順序如何受到各地區位特性之影響,故擬以順序羅吉斯迴歸模型進行資料分析。研究資料利用經濟部投資審議委員會之1991年至2006年「台商赴大陸對外投資名錄」作為實證資料來源,共有2406筆對陸投資紀錄。 藉由台商投資大陸地點之先後順序對地點受到區位因素的探討,其結論將有助於台商明瞭區位優勢對於投資大陸地點的影響。另一方面,產業特性對於區位因素影響之干擾效果分析,其結論有助於廠商在思考對外投資地點選擇時,應重視自身產業特性,搭配區位優勢,才能發揮廠商自擁優勢及策略目標。


Abstract When MNEs decide on an investment location, there are many factors that influence the decision, including location factors and different industry attributes. In addition, different industries face different customer behavior features. These problems commonly exist in direct investment. However, past studies have used questionnaires to discuss the location choice behavior of MNEs, while this study tries to classify investment cases into four industry groups from high to low accessibility regarding the end market. In order to discuss the interference effect of location factor influence among the four industry groups, an ordered logistic regression with four interactive variances is set. The main investigation concerns the order location of MNEs investing in China and how they are influenced by location factors; therefore, an ordered logistic regression is used to analyze data. The data (2406 cases), named List of MNEs Investing inChina, was collected by the Investment Commission from 1991 to 2006. The results of this analysis of the order location in China influenced by location factors can help MNEs understand location advantage influence in terms of investing in different locations in China. In other words, in terms of the interference effect analysis of different industry attributes with regards to location factors, the results can help MNEs consider their owner advantages pertaining to location advantages, and clearly show MNEs’ owner advantages and strategy goals.


Chinese references
任立中、林婷鈴、陳靜怡、李吉仁(2006),「高科技產業產品價值創造與行銷價值專屬化之最適資源配置」,中山管理評論,第14 卷,第1 期,pp.11-42。
