  • 學位論文


Sport Event Impact Analysis: A Case of the World Game in Kaohsiung, Taiwan

指導教授 : 葉家瑜


台灣於2009年7月16~26日第一次舉辦國際性的綜合運動賽事:「世界運動會」 (The World Games),本文藉由蒐集經濟資料與問卷調查,分析運動賽事對台灣整體經濟體的影響,且根據當地居民及外來旅客看法瞭解舉辦城市整體形象的改變。 過去文獻研究對大型運動賽事所帶來的經濟影響各執一方,因為剖析面向的不同,或使用不同模型與變數,而使結果產生不一致的現象。甚且,運動賽事參與者或組織者通常褒揚運動賽事所帶來正面的經濟效益,因為運動賽事的舉辦須投入大筆政府支出與民間稅收,為獲得社會的支持,往往忽略了運動賽事的負面效果。因此本研究首先整理過去文獻對運動賽事影響之分析,比較不同的分析模型,區分有形與無形效益之定義、長短期衝擊、與正負面效果,並根據歸納結果,選擇產業關聯模型進行估計,並分析問卷結果了解民眾看法,綜觀此次高雄世界運動會所帶來的影響,實證分析包括:1)以實際經濟成長的數據,配合產業關聯分析,以投入產出模型估計總體經濟變化;2)觀察高雄國際旅館住宿和房價變化,瞭解舉辦城市高雄市在賽事期間的經濟發展變化;3)隨機問卷調查,針對舉辦區域當地居民、鄰近區域居民、非舉辦區域居民以及國外參與世運會旅客深入訪談其看法與城市形象的改變。總結本研究嘗試以整體社會福利的角度分析運動賽事的影響,作為日後申辦國際大型賽事之參考依據。


In 2009, Taiwan hosted “The World Games” in Kaohsiung city from July 16 to 26. It is one of the major sport events internationally. The objective of this study is to measure the economic effects, the perceptions, as well as the image effects of the local residents and tourists from hosting the game. Many studies have analyzed sport event impacts in various phases with different methods, and showed in different results. This study, in the first step, reviews the previous literatures on the definition of tangible and intangible benefits, short and long term impacts, as well as the positive and negative effects. Secondly, according to reviewed literatures, an appropriated method is selected to estimate and analyze the data from the investigations of Kaohsiung World Games. This study use IO model and the empirically analyzed issues include: 1)by adopting the economic growth data and input-output model to estimate the economic impact; 2)by comparing the changes of the Kaohsiung International Hotel accommodation and prices within the event period to reveal the short run economic effects on tourism.; 3)by using interview surveys on the participatives and local residents, residents adjacent to the hosting city, non-local visitors and the foreign visitors to investigate the perception of residents and visitors and image effects. This study aims to evaluate the sport event from the standpoint of social welfare, which can be more applicable on providing the government a reference for hosting sports events as in the future.


