  • 學位論文


A study on the Special Education Policy and the Implementation of Inclusive Education in New Zealand

指導教授 : 洪雯柔


論文摘要 本研究旨在探討紐西蘭特殊教育政策之發展進程及融合實施概況,以作為我國特殊教育政策與融合教育實施的具體改善建議。為達上述目的,本研究的研究方法以兩國的相關書籍、官方文件及相關研究文獻等資料之分析為主。首先說明紐西蘭的國家特色、特殊教育歷史發展和特殊教育行政機構和體制,以瞭解紐西蘭特殊教育的背景;繼之,探討紐西蘭重大的特殊教育政策並分析融合教育要點方案的實施現況。 本研究主要發現為: 一、特殊兒童教育觀念的演變從漠視、歧視、隔離到現今追求教育機會均等,歷經了一段很長的時間。 二、融合教育理念源自對社會多元價值的重視,亦是對以往隔離安置政策的反思,在國際組織的努力倡導下,逐漸落實。 三、紐西蘭的特殊教育支援服務網絡除了教育機構外,還包括衛生單位、社會福利單位和非營利組織。為特殊教育需求學生提供教育功能以外的服務和協助,使其更快融入社會生活。 四、紐西蘭《SE2000》為紐西蘭特殊教育核心政策,政策重點在於確定學生的特殊教育需求,並支持他們學習的參與和成就。政府依據其需求程度給予不同的學習支援和經費補助。此政策方向反映紐西蘭的教育價值觀,顯示其特殊教育政策與國際趨勢相同,皆是朝融合教育目標前進。 五、紐西蘭特殊教育政策內容與融合教育實務推動皆考慮到各族群的文化特質和差異,反映出對多元文化的理解和尊重。 綜合上述研究發現,本研究對台灣特殊教育提出的建議為: 一、加強普通班教師與特教老師之合作。 二、整合特殊教育單位。 三、強化個別化復健計畫。 四、成立特殊復健機構與特殊教育機構合作。 五、支援高度特殊需求學生。 六、反省多元文化在融合教育的落實。


Abstract By using the document analysis and literature review, this study focuses on the special education policy and the implementation of inclusive education in New Zealand. Additionally, the study is also expected to afford some suggestions for the implementaion of special education and especially inclusive education in Taiwan. Firstly, the study introduces national backgrounds, historical deveopment of special education and special education administration and institutions so as to understand the background of special education policy and implementation in New Zealand. Secondly, the study explores the major special education policies and analyzes the important programs of inclusive education in New Zealand. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. The concept of special education from neglect, discrimination, segregation to equality of educational opportunity takes a very long time. 2. Inclusive education arose from the rethinking on segregated placement and the emphasis on the value of social diversity. The concept of inclusive education was developed by international organizations and New Zealand policies followed. 3. Special education support services are intertwinded as a complete network in New Zealand. They provide complete services and assistance for students with special ecucation needs in order to help them adapt to social life. 4. The Special Education 2000 Policy focuses on identifying children’s needs in order to support their participation and achievement. Besides, the policy reflects both an international move toward inclusion for all children with special education need, and the practices in New Zealand that had been following the same direction. 5. The special education policy and inclusive education practices in New Zealand reflect multicultural understanding and respect. Based on the above, the main suggestions of this study for Taiwan are as follows: 1. To strengthen the relationship between regular class teachers and special education teachers. 2. To integrate of special education relevant units. 3. To make Individualized Rehabilitation Program more effective. 4. To set up special rehabilitaion institutions in order to cooperate with special education institutions. 5. To support students with very high special education needs. 6. To include multicultural education in the implementation of special education and inclusive education.




