  • 學位論文


The Study of Collaborative Relationship between Schools and Communities in the Community Empowerment -- Two Cases of Nantou County

指導教授 : 林吉郎


南投縣係屬傳統之農業縣,隨著60、70年代臺灣經濟產業結構之急速變遷,致縣內各處日益殘破凋零,所幸近年來投入相當資源進行社區總體營造,使得縣內諸多社區漸漸重燃生機。而社區總體營造要有相當成果,絕非單一部門或組織之功,以南投特殊的地理環境,學校往往從中扮演著極關鍵的角色。以實務觀之,學校無以置外於社區,其教育目的之達成須仰賴社區協助;社區也需學校協助,使社區認同經由學校教育更深植於人心,因此學校和社區在社區總體營造中究竟是如何進行互動、協調,即「學校與社區之協力關係」之實務情形及現有成效,自有詳加瞭解及探究之必要。本研究先對兩個案學校和社區的重要人士進行訪談,再將所得資料加以分析。本研究重要發現如下: 一、兩個案學校和社區均有極佳的協力前提、順利的協力過程,協力目標也都順利 達成,惟細節部分略有出入,且個案二的協力關係明顯比個案一來的緊密。 二、協力關係雖有為學校和社區帶來正面助益,但兩者的協力關係在規劃與執行上仍面臨了許多限制,包含彼此時間難以搭配、彼此觀點看法有所歧異、領導人更迭頻繁、協力損害部分參與者權益及學校工作量增加等五點。 三、在社區總體營造中的角色而言,學校的最理想的角色是可身為優秀的執行者及文化傳播者,至於社區的角色則是扮演主要的領導者及計畫設計者。 四、個案中影響學校和社區協力關係的因素,本研究以為可分類為環境、成員特性、領導者、目標、資源及溝通等六點。另外對本研究的個案而言,以領導者因素的影響最為深遠。


Nantou County is a traditional agricultural country, with 60 and 70 Taiwan economic industrial structure of rapid change, the counties are increasingly dilapidated withered. Fortunately, in recent years the autorities put in considerable resources to the community empowerment, making many community gradually renewed vigor in the County. And community development to be a considerable achievement, it is not a single department or organization. To the special environmen of Nantou, schools often play a key role. With a practice view, schools are conneted to their community. The purpose of education must rely on community assist or vise versa. Through the school education, the identity of the community is planted deeper in minds. Therefore, the school and the community are interactive and coordinate in overall community empowerment is called " the coordinating relationship of the school and the community” in practical scenario and the existing effectiveness. The necessity of understanding details is inquired. The research focus on the interviews of two important people in the school and community, then the required coming information were analysed. The key findings in the study are as follows: 1. Both of the schools and communities are with an excellent collaborative premise and smooth collaborative process, and the co-operating goals are successfully reached. However, There are slightly differences in details in between and the second case is the closer in collaborative relationship of the two. 2. Though The collaborative relationship has brought positive help to schools and community, the collaborative relationship between the two still faces many constraints on the planning and implementation. The fives major points contain the difficulty in time arrangement, the differences of Outlook, the frequent change of leaders , the damage of working together to the rights of some participants and increasing workload in school. 3. To the role in community development, school is the ideal role of being a good performer and culture disseminators; as to the leader of the community, it plays the main role as a leader and project designers. 4. In a case, the factors affecting the relationship between school and community in this study can be classified into six points: environment , membership characteristics, leaders, purpose, resources and communication. Concerning the addition to the research of the case, the leader is the most far-reaching.


王昭正、朱瑞淵譯(1999),Jorgensen, Danny L著。《參與觀察法》,臺北:弘智。
