  • 學位論文


Self-employed Southeast Asian Women and Their Family Roles in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林開忠


新移民女性移居台灣已經很多年了,在台灣各個角落開花結果,我們隨處可看到多元民族的融合,各國的小吃店、美容院、雜貨店等等,在台灣街頭呈現多國風貌,本研究在深入瞭解她們在各個街頭小巷中,如何打造出一片屬於她們自己的天空。 本研究以東南亞新移民女性創業者為研究對象,探究十三位新移民女性的創業歷程,以及她們如何增進自己的能力資本,進而創造家庭與事業間的融合。 本研究採質性研究方式進行,透過研究者與研究對象直接的互動,深入田野、參與觀察、同理傾聽、深度訪談,分享研究對象的創業心路歷程,蒐集相關資料並加以分析歸納整理。 本研究發現文化資本與社會資本的累積對新移民創業者非常重要,受教育的文化資本與人際溝通的社會資本運用,是她們創業成功的決定因素,她們運用原生國的文化巧思與台灣的文化創意揉雜後再生產,也藉由社會資本中的人力資源開創自己的事業。新移民女性自行創業成功後,不僅自己的能力提升,也打造屬於自己的一片天空,她們為家庭帶來經濟收入,也兼顧事業與家庭之間的融合。隨著時代的演進,社會的變遷,新移民女性同時立足於家庭場域與經濟場域,是未來社會必然的趨勢。


The women immigrants from Southeast Asian countries have been prevalent in Taiwan decades ago. Nearly in every corner, we can see many flourishing ethnic eateries, beauty salons, grocery stores and etc. run by Southeast Asian spouses, which present a multi-ethnoscape in Taiwan. This research is to study how these women migrants become self-employed in Taiwan. In this research, 13 Southeast Asian women migrants are studied: the process of their business-establishment and the ways they balance their business and household labor by increasing their personal capitals. The research uses qualitative methods including direct interaction between the researcher and the researched, observations in the fields, interviewing in order to collect the related data. The research has found that it is very important for these women migrants to accumulate cultural and social capitals in order to establish their own business. And, the determinants of the success of their business-establishment are based on their educational capital and the communicational skill capital. Furthermore, by using human resources of the social capital, they establish their own businesses. Since the success of their own business-establishment, they have promoted their ability, and, at the same time, they also create their own space in Taiwan. Therefore, apart from increasing one’s incomes, they also balance the usually conflict relationship between employment and household labor.


王如玄(2003),婦女法律人權,427-439 頁,收錄於財團法人婦女權益促進發展基金會編,台灣婦女權益報告書(全集)。臺北市:婦女權益基金會。
王宏仁(2001),社會階層化下的婚姻移民與國內勞動市場:以越南新娘為例。 臺灣社會研究季刊41:99-127。
