  • 學位論文


The Partnership Management of Distributor and Dealer of Automobile Industry- From the Perspective of Dealer

指導教授 : 林欣美


汽車這個屬於行的重要工具,對於人類的發展就一直扮演著非常重要的角色,像是各種原物料及貨物的運送與人員的日常乘載等,既然汽車是如此與我們息息相關,並且極其廣泛的運用在每個人的日常生活及經濟活動中,因此與汽車有關的種種就非常值得我們深入的去了解及研究,在整個汽車的銷售及售後服務中,直接面對顧客並與車主接觸的,並不是汽車的製造廠或者是代理商,而是各個地區的授權經銷商,因此,本研究欲了解從經銷商角度認知的代理商與經銷商之間的夥伴關係,如何加強雙方的溝通與合作,以提升整體的售後服務能力,進而創造代理商與經銷商彼此的互利及雙贏。 本研究採用訪談研究法,透過對某汽車品牌經銷體系共40個經銷商中,以立意取樣方式挑選具有重大影響力的經銷商共8家,對各經銷商負責售後服務的主管進行訪談,相關之結論包括代理商如欲增進對彼此關係的認知,可藉由與經銷商持續保有長期的合作關係,透過提供完整的支援及維持雙方人員的溝通與接觸,以使其對所認知的雙方關係能更趨於緊密,且代理商應加強對經銷商的教育訓練,提高零件的供應率並定期檢視相關的資訊,以增加使用的便利及正確性,尤其需避免零件的缺貨問題,以確保經銷商的滿意度。 經銷商對於影響與代理商之間的關係面向,首先重視的是彼此之間的「信任」,再來依序是「承諾」、「溝通」、「滿意度」、「合作」以及「應變」;對於售後服務的品質,經銷商認為首先應重視的是「場所及設施」,其次是「培養及訓練」,接著是「組織及流程」,最後則是「管理及評鑑」與「溝通及關懷」。 為確保雙方未來的配合及合作關係,代理商應提供經銷商明確的對應窗口,並確保所銷售產品的市場競爭力;為促進售後服務品質以達到顧客滿意,代理商及經銷商必須共同保持與顧客間的接觸並與之建立關係,加強相關能力以提供顧客所需的各項服務,進而使顧客能確實感受其服務或產品的價值;經銷商普遍期望在未來能與代理商保有更長期、密切及穩定的類型三夥伴關係,並重視有關經銷體系的健全、市場的確保、以及彼此之間的良好互動。


Automobiles, an important tool for transport, play a significant role in the development of human progress such as the shipment of raw materials and cargos or the carry of passengers. All kinds of affair related to automobile are worth exploring and studying since automobiles are highly involved and utilized everywhere in everyone’s daily life and economic activities. During the entire process of car selling and after-sales services, it is local car dealers rather than automobile manufacturers or distributors that contact and interact directly with customers and car owners. This study aims to investigate the partnership between automobile distributors and dealers from the perspective of the latter, find out how they enhance their communication and collaboration to improve overall after-sales services and create a win-win situation for both parties. The method of interview was employed in this study. Eight influential car dealers were selected out of a total of 40 dealers of one automobile brand by purposive sampling for interviewing their managers in charge of after-sales service. For the conclusion, it is found that distributors can increase the awareness of and maintain a long-term relationship with dealers by providing comprehensive support as well as keeping communication and contact between the personnel of both sides to make a closer connection recognized mutually. Distributors should also improve professional education and trainings for dealers; raise supply rate of parts and examine relevant information regularly in order to increase the convenience and precision of use, in particular to avoid the shortage of supply and ensure dealers’ satisfaction. For the dimensions that impact on the relationship, the dealers value the most is “Trust” and followed by “Commitment”, “Communication”, “Satisfaction”, “Collaboration” and “Measures for Contingencies”. In terms of the quality of after-sales service, dealers prioritize the following dimensions as “Venue and Facilities”, “Cultivation and Trainings”, “Organization and Procedure”, “Management and Assessment” and “Communication and Care”. To ensure the future collaboration and partnership between both sides, distributors should arrange the counterpart for dealers and secure the competitiveness of their products in the market. To improve the quality of after-sales services that satisfies customers, both distributors and dealers have to keep in touch and build up relationships with customers while strengthening relevant skills to provide the services that customers need for them to actually perceive the values of their services or products. In general, dealers would expect a longer, closer and solider type-three partnership while giving weight to the soundness of distribution system, the market for business growth, and good communication and interaction with each other.


內政部統計月報(2014) ,戶政,取自網址:http://sowf.moi.gov.tw/stat/month/list.htm。
