  • 學位論文

基層地方政府災害防救行動力之研究 ─以南投縣內四鄉鎮為例

Study of Disaster Prevention and Recovery Capability of Basic Local Government- Examples of Four Towns in Nantou County

指導教授 : 劉家男


近年大型天災不斷,造成政府、人民生命財產嚴重損失及耗費,根據進行的相關調查顯示,地方政府技術、經驗、人力與各方面資源都相對貧乏是重要因素,以至於災害帶來的危害在爾後中央災害的救助上,所花費之人力資源可能更勝於災害前的防範措施,如何使相關權責單位更接近第一線的鄉、鎮,增加防救災的行動力,則是目前亟需努力的問題。 本研究探討南投縣內鄉鎮公所在災害管理的基本工作:災害預防、災前整備、緊急應變、復原重建這四個層次的行動力,並以南投縣高災害潛勢區埔里鎮、水里鄉、信義鄉、仁愛鄉四個鄉鎮為研究對象。經實地訪談鄉鎮公所各業務承辦及主管人員16 人;再針對四個鄉鎮橫向及縱向單位進行問卷調查,共計回收有效問卷120份,進而統計分析在防災工作上互動滿意度,最後提出研究發現與結論,作為基層地方政府推動防災工作之參考。


In recent years, large-scale natural disasters have caused serious losses in the government, people's lives and property. The relevant investigations carried out after the occurrence of disasters show that the relative deficiency in technology, experience, human resources and the knowledge in local government is an important factor to the losses caused by the disasters. Especially, the harms of the disaster as well as costs following the occurrences of disasters may be much more than the costs of taking preventive measures before the occurrence of disasters. It is urgent to the relevant responsible units to improve the ability of anti-disaster relief operations for the grass-roots level of local government. This study investigated the basic disaster management work of four stages: disaster management: disaster prevention and mitigation, pre-disaster preparedness, emergency response, rehabilitation reconstruction and recovery of Puli, Shueili, Hsinyi, and Renai towns. These four towns are of high potential of disaster occurrences in Nantou County. Field interviews with 16 contractor personnel associated with these basic disaster management works are conducted. A series of questionnaire survey for the contractor personnel located in vertical and horizontal affiliated units associated with basic disaster management are also conducted. In total, 120 valid questionnaires were conducted. The statistical analysis of the questionnaire survey is conducted to propose the questions, the comments, and the suggestions for improving the basic disaster management work for grass-roots level of local government.


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