  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship between Gender Indentity and Leading Style of Female Primary School Principals

指導教授 : 翁福元


聯合國發展委員會自1995 年開始將性別納入衡量各國政治經濟的重要指標裡 發展出「性別權力測量」,顯示出國際社會對女性的重視,雖然目前環境仍對女性領 導者存在著部分的性別角色刻板印象,但是目前女性領導者已逐漸的受到重視。近 年來為適應組織結構扁平化、人性化管理的背景之下,組織領導風格的性別角色取 向也逐漸產生了改變,從父權社會的男性化特徵轉變為女性性別取向的領導風格。 本研究以國小女性校長為研究對象,探究領導者的性別角色認同與其領導風格 之間的關係,首先透過文獻探討了解性別角色認同與領導風格的內涵,以Bem 的性 別角色基模為基石討論其與領導風格之關係,其次以半結構式訪談,訪談四位國小 女性校長,最後結合研究目的、文獻探討並將逐字稿整理分析,得到以下結論。 一、女性校長性別角色認同傾向多為中性化 二、女性校長領導風格多元 三、中性化性別角色認同的女性校長領導風格較多元 根據研究結論,提出下列建議以供校長培育機構、校長及後續研究參考。 一、 本研究建議校長培育機構開設與柔性領導相關的研習,以增加校長領導行 為的豐富性 二、 對校長的建議積極面對性別,並避免落入性別角色刻板印象的巢窠 三、 對後續研究的建議 (一)擴大研究地區及增加變項,使研究資料內容更充實 (二) 增加訪談次數,俾利於增加研究資料的豐富性 (三)在不受限於「生理性別」的框架中,以柔性領導風格為研究主軸


United Nations Development Committee since 1995 to integrate gender into measurable countries’ political and economic.That development of a " Gender empowerment measure," shows the importance the international community of women, although the current environment is still there on the part of women leaders on gender role stereotypes, but currently have female leaders gradually be taken seriously. In this study, female elementary school principals for the study to explore the leadership role of gender identity and its relationship between leadership style, a literature review on gender-role stereotypes about leadership style and the content, followed by qualitative research in the semi-structured interviews with four female elementary school principals, The findings of this research are shown as followings: 1. The gender-role orientation of the interviewees is more naturally; 2. The ileadership style of the nterviewees is different and differentiate with no regard to their gender-role identity; 3. The interviewees that with nutral gender-role identity are more toward to accept the leadership style of female primary principals. According to the findings, the suggestions for principal training institute, arprincipals, and the future study, as shown as followings: 1. The training institute for principal ought to afford gender-free and flexible training program; 2. Positive face on the president's proposal gender, and avoid falling into the sex role stereotypes nest 3. the recommendations for future research (1) To expand the interviewees and the variable; (2) To conduct more interviews in order to get deeper and/or profound materials; (3) Needs to nodify leadership style for the study of flexible shaft, but not limited to "physical sex" in the framework


