  • 學位論文


A Study on Essential Ideas, Principles and Strategies of Academic Curriculum Design in Community Collelge-From Philosophy of Humanistic Adult Education

指導教授 : 徐敏雄


本研究主要目的,是希望藉由人文主義的成人教育思想,探究社區大學學術類課程設計的理念、原則和策略。為達此一目的,研究者乃選定社區大學的古玉鑑賞的課程為主要研究場域,並從下列三個方向進行實際的觀察、訪談與分析:1.探討理想的成人教育課程設計原則;2.透過參酌社區大學辦學宗旨及成人教育學的特徵,研擬出適合社區大學的課程設計理念、原則和策略;3.探討社區大學學術類課程教學者之重要課程設計理念、原則和策略;4.針對以上研究結果,提出社區大學學術類課程設計理念、原則與策略,以做為未來社區大學推動相關課程重要參考。 經過研究資料分析與歸納,研究者發現社區大學教師所採行的重要課程設計理念、原則與策略如下: 理念一:希望藉由課程增加學員在古玉方面的深度 由此理念可延伸出的原則有:有系統的課程規畫、扣連生活相關議題,並從課程內容的安排、不同學理知識的切入以及教學這些部分作為執行的策略。 理念二:希望建立師生平等關係,增加接觸文物的機會 由此理念可延伸出的原則有:課程營造師生互動機會、課堂提供學員參與空間。並從課堂上課、期中校外教學、期末文物分享的方式達到師生互動機會;再者,從課堂的意見討論、給予學員的提問空間大,且願意坦承分享、與學員保持朋友互動關係、讓班代成為潤滑劑等方式來達到教師理念。 理念三:了解學習者學習狀況,適時調整課程安排 由此理念可延伸出的原則有:從課程中了解學員學習狀況,並進一步利用課堂與博物館參觀時機,接觸實際古文物了解學員學習狀況。 理念四:增加學員對所學的理解與印象 由此理念可延伸出的原則與策略是:串連學員的過去的課程經驗 理念五:真誠面對自己,希望能盡其所能讓學員在課程上有所學習 由此理念可以延伸出的原則有:課程中隱含的教學態度、老師個人魅力的吸引。進一步以態度謙虛且願意坦承自己的不足、相關研究可以無私的分享這兩個方式/策略去執行。 最後研究者還依據以上研究發現,針對社區大學講師及未來研究方向等各方面,提出具體建議。 關鍵字:社區大學、課程設計、學術類課程


The purpose of this study is to find the essential ideas, principles and strategies of academic curriculum design in community college, with the adult education thought of humanism. In order to reach the goal, the researcher investigates the class of ancient jade appreciation in community college and discusses three directions in the following:1.Analyzing the idle principles of adult education design.2.Drafting the satisfied curriculum for adult education through the characters of courses and the objects of community college.3.Exploring the teachers’ essential ideas, principles and strategies of academic curriculum design in community college.4.According to the result, the study provided the reference for the essential ideas, principles and strategies of academic curriculum design in community college, for promoting the correlated curriculum. Through the data analyzed and categorized, we find out that the teachers’ practical applied in community college, as following: First idea: Hope to let students understand the meaning of ancient jade. The extended ideas are listed below: Providing a systematic procedure for curricula plan and let scheme connect to the life issues. Arranging the various contents of curricula and supplying plentiful academic knowledge for students. Second idea: Trying to establish relationship balance between the teachers and the students, allowing students to touch ancient culture and crafts. The extended ideas are in the following: The program is a bridge to let the teachers and the students have better interaction and participation between each other. Furthermore, it allows students sharing experience, discussing issues, asking questions during the class. Third idea: Understanding the students study situation and adjust the curriculum timely for each class. The extended ideas are listed below: Trying to let teachers are aware of the learners study situation during the class or outside teaching, such as visiting museums. Fourth idea: It reinforces students’ learning impression and deepens their memory. The extended ideas are as follows: Connecting the memory and learning experience that students have studied already. Fifth idea: Facing life and ourselves sincerely, interviewers hope to let students enjoy evolving as they learning. The extended ideas are listed below: The teachers’ attitude and character charm are important factors of students’ learning situation. To conclude based on the finding and conclusions that would provide future researchers concrete suggestions, research content, and offer lecturers in community college practical recommendation. Key word: Community College; Curriculum Design; Academic Curriculum


