  • 學位論文


Branding and Customers'Loyalty

指導教授 : 林霖


台灣早期以傳統產業代工事業創造了『經濟奇蹟』,近年來代工事業已被中國大陸及東南亞等開發中的國家所取代,在1992年施振榮先生提出了『微笑曲線理論』來鼓勵台灣企業,由代工事業轉向建立自有品牌,唯有建立自有品牌才能為企業塑造品牌形象,也才能讓企業延續生命且更有競爭力,為企業創造更大的利潤空間。自2000年以來,關於品牌建立的相關議題從行政院、經濟部、外貿協會、產業界到大專院校受到極度的關切,在報章雜誌上也可以常常看到相關的討論,在企業界更是有許多廠商也都紛紛投入自有品牌的行銷活動,希望提升國際能見度,來拓展更多商機。 本研究的目的主要是探討研究生所服務之公司墨西哥工廠EVA GREEN S.A DE C.V.所建立之自有品牌elega ,在於消費者心中之品牌形象與消費者之忠誠度和公司之核心價值,員工對公司的向心力以及今後公司之發展方向,並且針對研究結果提出建議給予EVA GREEN。 本研究主要以Urde(2003)所提出之『以核心價值為基礎之品牌建立程序』中兩個面向為主要架構,採用個案分析,以量化的方式進行,並以問卷調查來獲得初步的資料,再以敘述性統計及t檢定來做進一步的分析探討。 研究結果發現,(一)消費者對於elega之品牌形象,elega的產品特色是多樣化的。(二)潛在客戶有年輕化的傾向,在於商品設計上可更多元化並且加入年輕的元素。 (三)公司之發展方向,大多數的員工都希望公司以擴展本土事業(墨西哥當地市場)為優先,假如能夠擁有自己通路,就更可掌握主導權。(四)員工向心力,在於職務階層上並沒有特別的差異化,全體員工對於公司的向心力是足夠的。


In early stage of Taiwan, OEM was our traditional industry which created an economic miracle for us. However, in recent years China and Southeastern countries took the place of Taiwan on OEM business. In 1992 Mr. Stan Shih (施振榮) brought out “Smiling Curve Theory” to encourage Taiwan enterprises to build a private brand instead of OEM. Only a private brand can create a brand image for an enterprise, help the enterprise to survive with more competition force, and create a bigger profit space for the enterprise. Since 2000 the institutions, such as Executive Yuan, Ministry of Economic Affairs, External Trade Development Council, industry circles and colleges have shown special concern about the issues of building a private brand. In newspapers and magazines the relevant issues and forums can be found often. In the business cycles, many companies continue to invest in marketing activity with private brand. They hope to increase their international visibility, and create more business opportunities. The main purpose of this research is to probe a private brand “elega” built by a Mexican company named EVA GREEN S.A DE C.V. where I work. The research covers brand image in the eyes of the consumers, consumer’s loyalty, corporate core values, employee’s centripetal force, and corporate development direction in the future. The findings of the research and a suggestion will be offered to EVA GREEN. The major framework of the research was built on two aspects from Mats Urde, (2003) "Core value-based corporate brand building”. Case analysis was adopted. Quantification measure was taken. Besides, questionnaire was used to get preliminary information. Then, descriptive statistics and t-test were employed to make a further analysis and research. The findings of the research showed: (1) Consumers had a variety of opinions on “elega” brand image and product characters. (2) The potential customers tend to be young age. They accepted diversified design on the products. Young people’s favorite elements should be added to the products. (3) For corporate developing direction, most of the employees expected their company to expand domestic business (Mexican market) as priority. If a company had its own sales channel, he could take the lead in the market. (4) As to employee’s centripetal force, there was no special difference among the employees of all kinds of duties. All the staff members had enough centripetal force to the company.


OEM brand image loyalty core values


施振榮,『鎖定研發與品牌,推升農業競爭力』 (http://www.businessweekly.com.tw/article.php?id=20712 ) 維基百科,自由的百科全書,『微笑曲線圖』 (http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh) Aaker, D.A. and Alexander L.B.著; 朝陽堂 譯,民84年,品牌經營,,朝陽堂文化。
Kevin L.K. ; 吳克振 譯,民84年,品牌管理,華泰文化。
Schultz, D.E. and Beth E.B.; 郭瓊俐、曾慧琦、陳柏安 譯,民92年,品牌策略,五南


