  • 學位論文


The Homeownership Experience of Low-Income Families in Urban Areas: Social Exclusion or Social Inclusion?

指導教授 : 潘中道


臺灣整體家戶的自有住宅率高,且在政策推行、文化價值與房地產市場風氣上都呈現對於擁有自有住宅的居住偏好與方式;不過針對低收入家庭的居住需求滿足,則不同於一般國民的居住狀況。過去針對低收入戶的居住服務上,具有住宅政策與社會救助政策的雙軌介入;住宅政策上強調「住者有其屋」,另社會救助政策則提供公共社會住宅以便低收入戶居住。但在政府住宅補貼落實情況不佳的情況下,加上提供給低收入戶等弱勢家庭的社會住宅數量稀少,又有污名化的情形,低收入戶家庭遭遇「租不好,買不起」的困境。究竟,低收入戶家庭的居住需求應該如何滿足?讓低收入戶家庭擁有自有住宅是否為一個可以審慎思考的政策與執行方向? 本研究旨在探討都市地區的低收入戶家庭購買自有住宅的經驗,並以社會排除觀點了解低收入戶家庭擁屋過程中所遭遇政府政策、工作與經濟、人際關係與居住環境等不同面向的影響,以及擁有自有住宅對於低收入戶個人心理感受與社會關係的影響。 研究設計部分,研究者採取質性研究方法,透過選樣標準並以深度訪談的方式訪問了八位低收入戶家庭之主要購屋者,並針對訪談結果進行分析。以下為本研究之研究發現: 一、 過往不穩定的居住經驗,加上其無屋者身分而受到的歧視,形成低收入戶家庭購屋的內在動機。但真正促進購屋的關鍵事件則是受到政府方案與生活處境改變等關鍵事件的影響而決定購屋。 二、 低收入戶家庭購屋初期若有政府政策介入,會影響他們的購屋經驗,降低購屋的經濟負擔;包括房屋總價限制、自備款的準備與住宅整修的程度等,並能提高購屋者的信心。 三、 擁屋過程的維持狀況強烈地受到工作與收入影響。所得維持穩定的家庭能夠透過降低生活品質的方式去維持自有住宅所有權;但若是就業狀況不穩定,造成維持生活支出與住宅所有權上的困難,則會造成低收入戶家庭極大的心理壓力。 四、 住宅因其固定空間的特性,擁屋者會使用自有住宅的空間來招待親友,藉由空間使得人際關係更為活絡;但是否如此利用空間卻受到自有住宅品質的好壞所影響,亦顯示自有住宅的社會價值象徵。 五、 成為擁屋者之後,包括初識者、舊識者與關係親密的親戚朋友的確都投以與無屋者身分時不同的眼光,顯示出社會價值對於無屋者與擁屋者所投以的差異;不過低收入戶家庭雖然成為擁屋者,但在居住環境品質與生活狀況上卻因為要維持住宅的沉重負擔而依然呈現貧窮的生活境況。 六、 擁有自有住宅對低收入戶家庭有許多意義,其中之一在於未來防老的準備,期待老年階段因為有房子而不造成子女的負擔,甚至可以給予子女幫助。因此亦可以看見自有住宅作為脫貧工具的可能性,藉由自有住宅協助親代的穩定與子代的發展,進而產生截斷世代貧窮的可能。 最後,研究者基於研究發現與研究討論,並提出對於整體住宅政策、實務方案、學科與研究方法上的建議與限制。


High owner-occupation rate is a special phenomenon in Taiwan. This residential preference and mode of homeownership is reflected in policy implementation on the part of government, culture value of the society, and trends in the real estate market. However, a different mode of housing designed for the needs of low-income families has been observed. In the past, there is a dual intervention in the residential service for low-income families: the housing policies and the social assistance policies. On the one hand, the housing policies emphasize “homeownership” of the occupants. On the other hand, social assistance policies provide low-income families with public housing. Nevertheless, due to the poor implementation of housing-subsidy policies, scant amount of social housing, and stigmatized housing offering, the disadvantaged families still either suffer from bad house-renting quality or are not able to afford housing. What exactly should be done to satisfy the residential needs of low-income families? Is it a feasible policy or direction for execution to help low-income families possess self-owned houses? This research aims to discuss the homeownership experiences of low-income families in urban areas. A social exclusion perspective will be adopted to analyze the possible influences on the homeownership experiences of low-income families from different aspects, including social policies, work and economics, and interpersonal relationship. The impact on low-income individuals’ feelings and social relationship will also be discussed. As for the research design, the researcher adopts a qualitative research method. Through standard sampling parameters, eight house buyers of low-income families were selected and an in-depth interview was conducted for each case. The interview results are analyzed and the findings are as follows: 1. The inner motivation for the house buying of low-income families mainly comes from previous unstable living experience and the discrimination caused by houseless identification. However, the key events which promote house buying are government policy and great changes in living situation. 2. Early policy intervention in the process of owning a home may affect homeownership experience and reduce the economic burden, including reducing the limitation on total house price, preparation for down payment, increasing the level of the residential renovation, and most importantly, enhancing the confidence of the buyer. 3. The process of purchasing a house is strongly and consistently influenced by job and income maintenance. Families with stable income are able to sacrifice living quality for the homeownership . However, families with unstable income may suffer from extreme mental stress. 4. Because of the fixed property of the residence, the home owners can use the space in the self-owned house to receive their relatives and friends. However, it still depends on the quality of house, and this also shows the core social value of owning houses. 5. After becoming a home owner, first acquaintance, old friends, relatives reveal an attitude different from when the current home owner was houseless, which shows the social values imposed on those who own their houses and those who do not. Nevertheless, even though the low-income families have become home owners, they are still in poverty in terms of their living conditions and situation because they need to pay their mortgages. 6. For low-income families, one of the values of owning a home is to prepare for the retired life in the future. They expect that owning a house will decrease the burden on the children, or even be a help to them. Hence, it is also possible that owning houses can be one of the methods to save the family from poverty by stabilizing the parental generation, assisting the filial generation, and possibly terminating generations of poverty. Finally, based on the discovery and discussion in this study, the researcher provides suggestions on the overall housing policy and substantive programs, and points out the limitations in this field of study and possible improvements in research methodology.


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