  • 學位論文


Religion Practice of Thai Immigrants in Taiwan

指導教授 : 龔宜君


所謂「功德」是泛指所有益於眾生的「利他行為」,或是導正自己的思想行為的「利己行動」。在南傳佛教(Theravada,又稱「小乘佛教」)的教義中,「功德」是清淨能量之代表,可以協助人們明辨是非、勸人為善。泰國人的思想與行為受到南傳佛教的影響極深: 透過家庭與寺院教育,泰國人普遍相信,透過「作功德」(make merit)方式能「減惡積善」,以達到佛教最終的「涅槃」境地。 由於從小接受的佛教教育,使泰人認為「一個人的功過,是依據自己的行為來決定獲得的結果」,意指自己可以決定做好事或壞事,而做好事,有好報;做壞事,有惡報。除了要做好事,也要持續為自己累積功德,泰國人「作功德」的目的是「在這世累積功德,好讓下一世可以過的更好」,「作功德」對於泰國人來說是一種投資行為,做的功德越多,下一世就會更好,但功德的累積是永無止盡的,從出生到死亡的相關宗教儀式大多與功德有關,顯然已成為一種功德文化,融入泰國人的日常生活中。 本研究企圖透過與在台灣的泰國移民訪談與參與觀察,了解在台灣的泰國移民面對不同的社會宗教文化的宗教實踐,如何進行原鄉信仰的宗教實踐─「作功德」?文中將盡述他們來到台灣之後宗教實踐的調整與轉變;透過與研究對象的深入訪談,找出「作功德」在心理療慰之外的其他實質效果。


In general, merit is a concept in Buddhism that teaches people to do good deeds and to help others. In other words, by believing in this concept, one is encouraged to be a good person and refrain from carrying evil thoughts or actions. In Theravada, also known as “the Teaching of the Elders,” merit is a representation of pure energy, which teaches people to distinguish good and bad and encourages them to do good deeds. Thai culture and beliefs are remarkably influenced by Theravada. In their families and Buddhist temples, Thai are brought up to believe that by making merit they can eliminate the evil and increase the good. Therefore, they can achieve the highest level of Buddhism- Nirvana. Under the influence of Buddhist education while growing up, Thai believe that one will receive good or bad results base on his or her action. Everyone has the freedom to make their own decisions in life. If a person decides to commit bad deeds, he will be condemned to punishment that he deserves. On the other hand, if a person decides to commit good deeds, he will receive good results in return. Besides doing good deeds, it is also important to make merit. Thai believe in reincarnation, and the purpose of making merit is to have a better living in the next life. Therefore, making merit is an act of investment; the more merit one makes, the better life he will receive in his next life. However, a person’s merit is continuously accumulated from birth to death, and as well as from many religious ceremonies. Clearly, making merit has become an important part of Thai culture and their daily lives. Through interviews with Thai immigrants and visiting their homes in Taiwan, this research investigates how Thai immigrants continue to pursue the act of making merit when living in a different culture and environment. Also, the research includes detail descriptions on how Thai adjust their religious traditions in order to adopt Taiwanese society. Besides discovering the psychology effects and comfort that Thai receive through merit making, this research also reveals other important influences base on in depth interviews with selected individuals.


馬克斯 韋伯(2002)《新教倫理與資本主義精神》。彭強、黃曉京譯。西安:陜西師範大學出版社。
淨 海(2002)《南傳佛教史》。北京:宗教文化出版社。頁190-250。
