  • 學位論文


Development of Video Conference Applications with HTML5

指導教授 : 陳彥錚


HTML5是HTML(HyperText Markup Language)的下一個主要修訂版本,其主要精神在於針對多樣化網際網路應用程式(Rich Internet applications,RIA)制定標準規範,讓一般使用者及RIA開發者無需顧慮跨網路瀏覽器相容性的問題。而WebRTC(Web Real-Time Communication)為一套應用程式介面(Application Programming Interface,API),用於在網頁瀏覽器上實現無需藉由外掛程式 (plugin) 支援的視訊、語音對話及點對點(Peer-to-Peer,P2P)檔案傳輸,為W3C推薦標準(W3C Recommendation)。本論文旨在透過HTML5,建構出能夠跨平台的多人視訊會議服務。在本論文中,這套服務將利用以下API:(1) 使用WebSocket進行客戶端與伺服器之間的即時通訊,例如包括線上使用者維護、視訊會議的建立及使用者之間的各種同步與互動,(2) 利用Canvas及SVG動態產生繪圖畫面,提供看板圖繪服務,(3) 透過WebRTC建立影像及聲音的即時通訊。採用HTML5技術建構視訊會議服務具有多個優點,由於網頁瀏覽器為每位使用者的電腦必定提供之軟體,而HTML5是網頁瀏覽器未來必須遵守之標準,使用者不需要進行任何安裝動作,便可利用瀏覽器進行視訊會議;此外,而越來越多使用者使用例如智慧手機與平板電腦,利用HTML5建構的應用服務,將很容易的在這些裝置中被使用,毋需為行動裝置撰寫相對應的程式。本論文所建構的這套服務,除了視訊會議功能,還可以讓進行視訊會議的使用者彼此傳送文字訊息,並顯示及繪製塗鴉牆內容,未來可進一步擴充為具跨平台無論何時何地皆可存取的遠距學習平台。


HTML5 WebRTC 視訊會議 平台中立


HTML5 (HyperText Markup Language Version 5) was proposed to facilitate the development of rich Internet applications (RIAs). RIA developers can easily develop their applications without the inconsistence issues among web browsers. WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) API was also developed to support video communication, audio conversation, and Peer-to-Peer file transfer in a web environment without the need of any plugin. The WebRTC specification has been submitted to W3C as a W3C Recommendation. This thesis study aims to develop cross-platform video conference applications based on HTML5 for multi-users. In this thesis, several APIs of HTML5 are adopted: (1) WebSocket is used to provide efficient communications between clients and the web server, for example, on-line user maintenance, establishment of video conferencing, and synchronization and interactions among clients. (2) Canvas and SVG are used to generate graphical pictures dynamically in an interactive bulletin board. (3) WebRTC is adopted to provide real-time video/audio communication. There are two major advantages in the proposed HTML5-based video conferencing application. First, no additional software or plugin is required. Only necessary is the web browser with HTML5 support, which will be available in almost all computers. In addition, more users get connected to the Internet via mobile devices, such as smart phones and tablets. As a consequence, the proposed application can be easily used in mobile devices without the need of developing additional APPs for iOS or Android platforms. Merely via a web browser, users can enjoy video conferencing, text-based chats, and graphical bulletin board. These features can be further improved and extended as a part of a platform-neutral distance learning platform available anywhere and anytime.


HTML5 WebRTC Video Conference platform neutral


[1]"HTML5," 8/25/2014; http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/Overview.html.
[2]C. Sengupta, "Releasing the Chromium OS open source project," http://googleblog.blogspot.tw/2009/11/releasing-chromium-os-open-source.html, 2009].
[3]R. Nyman, "Announcing Boot to Gecko (B2G) – Booting to the Web," https://hacks.mozilla.org/2011/07/announcing-boot-to-gecko-b2g-booting-to-the-web/, [7 27, 2011].
[4]N. Leenheer. "HTML5 Test," http://html5test.com/results/desktop.html.
[5]S. Mavrody, Sergey's HTML5 & CSS3 Quick Reference: HTML5, CSS3 and APIs (3rd Edition): Belisso Corp., 2012.


