  • 學位論文


The Case Study of Applying Cognitive Coaching Approach on Elementary English Teachers as Teaching Mentor

指導教授 : 楊振昇


本研究旨在探討認知教練在國民小學英語教師教學輔導應用之情形,一方面了解英語教師在教學上所遭遇之困境,另一方面,則探討認知教練之相關技巧,在協助英語教師解決教學困境之因應情形。本研究研究法採用質性研究法之個案研究法,藉由教室觀察及半結構訪談等方法,與個案教師進行教學前的計畫會談、教室觀察、教學後之省思會談。研究結果發現 個案教師教學困難包括 (1) 在課程設計困難方面有教學目標設定概念混淆、個案教師的主要困難是未能及時執行評量,學校行事曆的規劃,影響到教學活動規劃困難、教科書的編輯內容不當,造成教學困難、教案書寫格式不熟悉、能力指標內容不熟悉六方面。(2) 在教學活動執行困難方面有學生程度不一、時間掌控、教師忽略教學時活動區的重要性等四方面。(3) 則有在班級經營之困難方面則有上課秩序難以掌控、忽略學生情緒穩定之重要性兩方面。在認知教練技巧的運用上,研究者以教練者的身分,在不具價值判斷的原則、引導式提問及適時提供資源等技巧的運用下,引導個案教師進行教學省思,協助個案教師發展策略因應個案教師在教學時所遭遇之困境。最後,本研究根據研究結果針對師資培育機構、國民小學、在職教師及未來研究者等提出建議。


The purpose of this study was to explore the application of cognitive coaching approach on elementary English teachers as teaching mentor. On one hand, the researcher attempted to understand the difficulties experienced by participating English teacher. On the other hand, the researcher, as a cognitive coacher, explored the application of cognitive coaching skills to assist the participating teacher to cope with the difficulties found on teaching site reflectively. This study utilized case study in quantative research method. Through the use of class observation and semi-constructed interview method, researchers conducted planning conference, class observation and reflective conference. The researcher found that there were three areas of difficulties participating teacher relating to teaching. Those three areas were curriculum planning, to carry out teaching activities and class management. And the findings are stated as follows: (1) The difficulties participating teacher experienced relating to curriculum planning were difficulties in setting clear and specific teaching objectives, difficulties in carrying out sufficient teaching assessments, school’s calendar’s setting led to the difficulties for participating teacher to plan teaching, insufficient context book contents impacted on participating teacher’s teaching planning, the infamiliarity of lesson plan’s format, and the infamiliarity of national teaching guideline’s competence indicators. (2) The difficulties participating teacher experienced relating to carrying out teaching activities are students’ multi-level English ability in the same classroom, time managing abilities in teaching, and participating teacher’s small action zone while teaching. (3) The difficulties participating teacher experienced relating to class management are insufficient skills to discipline students, and overlook the importance of interacting with students. In applying cognitive coaching skills on participating teacher, the researcher, also serves as a cognitive coach, utilized reflective questions, and supplying resources when needed with non-judgemental attitude to encourage the participating teacher to undergo reflection on teaching. As a result, under the assistance and leading of the coach, as well as the researcher, the participating teacher came up with strategies to cope with the difficulties aforementioned. Lastly, according to the results of this research, the researcher made suggestions for the educational institutions for teachers, elementary schools, in-service teachers, and for future research.


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