  • 學位論文


The Research of Organizational Integration on Household Registration Offices in Nantou County

指導教授 : 柯于璋


我國戶政資訊系統於民國86年9月30日全面上線,透過資訊網路之便捷,各鄉(鎮、市、區)是否有必要皆設立戶政事務所之疑義因應而生;民國87年適逢行政院通過「政府再造綱領」,明確指出我國政府組織調整之目標;此外,民國88年1月25日地方制度法通過開始實施地方自治,這三個重大因素提供了戶政事務所組織變革之重大契機。屏東縣政府率先提出戶政機關組織整併計劃,此後戶政事務所組織整併似乎已成為地方政府政策趨勢,隨著整併趨勢南投縣戶政事務所是否應實施整併?又應如何整併?成為南投縣政府政策焦點,亦是本研究形成之原因。本研究目的主要在分析建構南投縣實施戶所組織整併之目標及施行模式,並探討整併過程可能面臨之抗拒並提出因應策略,以提供南投縣政府政策實施參考。 本研究採質化研究,在研究方法上首先採取文獻分析法,探討組織的意涵、政府組織再造、組織變革相關理論,並檢閱戶政事務所組織沿革;其次,以文件分析法探討已實施戶所整併之屏東及臺東縣政府整併經驗;此外,並透過深度訪談了解戶政人員實務觀點。最後,綜合探討及分析提出結論與建議如下: 一、結論 (一)政府組織再造之內涵及目標。 (二)南投縣戶政事務所組織整併之目標。 (三)南投縣戶政事務所組織整併可行模式。 (四)南投縣戶政事務所組織整併面對抗拒之因應策略。 二、建議 (一)對南投縣戶政事務所組織整併實施之建議 1. 辦公室應設置主管,以利組織管理及業務推行。 2. 戶役政資訊系統應改以區域戶所轄區範圍規劃建置。 3. 擴大分層負責。 4. 陳核流程資訊化。 5. 員額精簡應考量到戶政業務未來的發展性。 (二)對地方政府實施組織整併之建議 1. 南投縣外其他縣市政府亦應朝戶所組織整併政策思考規劃。 2. 戶所區域整併應是戶所組織再造之起點而非終點。 3. 戶所組織整併成效可提供各級地方政府組織再造參考典範。


Taiwan’s household registration information system came online on September 30th, 1997. Due to the convenience of internet, the necessity of household registration office in every township or city came to question. Furthermore, the Executive Yuan introduced the “reinventing government guidance” in 1998, following by the implement of local governance after the enforcement of local government act on January 25th, 1999. These events became the opportunity for organizational change for household registration offices. Pingtung county government was the first to plan organizational change of household registration offices and became the trend for local governments. Whether household registration offices in Nantou county need to be reorganized and how to reengineer it became the policy focus of Nantou county government and is also the motivation of this research. The purpose of this research is to analyze and construct the goal and method of organizational mergence of household registration offices in Nantou city and to probe possible resistance during reorganization process as well as adaptive strategy for Nantou county government in future governance. This research is qualitative through archive analysis by probing the characters of organization, theories of organizational change, the historical development of household registration office. Then, it apply document analysis method to analyze the merging experience of Pingtung and Taitung county governments. Furthermore, by interviewing household registration officers, this research conclude the practical views of household registration officers. The followings are the conclusion and suggestions: Ⅰ. Conclusion 1. The character and goals of government organization reinvention. 2. The goals of mergence of household registration office in Nantou County. 3. Possible method for mergence of household registration office in Nantou County. 4. Possible resistance and adaptive strategy of mergence of household registration office in Nantou County. Ⅱ. Suggestions 1. Toward mergence of household registration office in Nantou County. (1) Supervisor should be appointed for organization management and promoting organizational reengineering. (2) Household registration information system should be rearranged based on administrational region of each household registration office. (3) Extending delegate administration. (4) Informatization for approving process. (5) Downsizing of human resource should consider future development of household registration. 2. Toward organizational change of local governments. (1) Local governments besides Nantou County should consider household registration office merging policy. (2) Mergence of household registration office is the start of organizational reinvention of household registration office instead of finishing line. (3) The outcome of mergence of household registration office can provide policy model for local government.


