  • 學位論文


Undergraduate Social Work Education informed by Students' Family Background and Adverse Experiences.

指導教授 : 黃彥宜


美國相關文獻指出學生選讀社會工作學系深受家庭逆境經驗所影響,然而台灣針對社會工作系學生之家庭背景的探討相當有限,雖然台灣與美國社工系入學方式有所不同,但此也引發研究者對此議題之關注。台灣社會工作學系於 1997 年後大量擴增,公私立學校資源有所落差,部分私校教育環境資源之窘境近年時有所聞。 高等教育相關研究也指出國內教育有階層化的狀況,家庭經濟困難者多進入私校,繳高學費,卻享有較少的資源。因此,不同教育體制(如公立或私立、大學或科大等)的社會工作學系學生家庭社經狀況的樣態和家庭遭遇逆境經驗為何?及社會工作教育該如何關注該議題並提供學生相關的資源和機會是本研究關照重點。 本研究採調查法,主要針對中南部9所社會工作學系大四學生進行調查,共回收377份有效問卷。研究發現: 一、技職科大學生家庭社經地位較低; 二、64%學生曾經歷一種以上家庭逆境事件,又以技職科大生普遍經歷兩種以上逆境事件; 三、多數學生認同社工教育在自覺與創傷修復上的協助,但仍發現創傷和替代性創傷議題未受到重視; 四、有兩成學生認為課外資源協助較少及專業知識無助於解決家庭逆境,男同學被協助感受較低。 本研究建議須重視社會工作教育作為學生修復和保護因子的功能,同時重視科技大學教育資源不足的結構性議題。


American literature shows that the problems of the family of origin may motivate students to choose careers in social work. There is very little research around social workers' family backgrounds and conditions in Taiwan. Although enrollment in universities differs between the United States and Taiwan, the researcher is very interested in exploring the issues of Taiwanese social work students' family backgrounds and adverse experiences. A great number of social work departments were established after 1997, and the shortage of manpower and funding have been highlighted by scholars. Educational stratification between public and private universities exists in that poor students are likely to attend private ones. It seems that students at private universities pay higher tuition but study in underfunded learning environments compared with their counterparts at public ones. The aims of this study are to explore the families' social status and the adverse experiences of social work students among diverse institutions, including public compared to private universities and general universities compared to universities of technology. The author also advocates the allocation of resources and opportunities to disadvantaged students. This study draws on a survey of 377 senior students in the departments of social work at nine universities located in the central and southern areas in Taiwan. The main findings are as follows: 1. The students at private universities of technology are mainly from families with lower social status. 2. Sixty-four percent of all interviewees expressed that they had experienced at least one instance of family adversity. The students at universities of technology had experienced more than two adverse events. 3. The majority of students think that social work education contributes to improving their self-perceptions and healing trauma. However, the issues of trauma and vicarious traumatization are mostly ignored by educators. 4. Two percent of students, especially male students, think that they get little assistance out of class and that knowledge learned in the class cannot help them deal with family adversities. The author argues that social work education can work as a protective factor to improve students' resilience and healing and highlights that priority should be given to address the under-resourced condition of universities of technology.


