  • 學位論文


Discussion on Talent Management of Engineering Surveying Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林欣美


在經濟快速發展的年代,有志之士紛紛自行創業,企業的成敗因素之一--人才管理越來越被企業經營者所重視,特別是在工程測量行業中,由於工作強度大,工作環境相對艱苦,以及人才培養不易、業界挖角狀況頻傳的環境下,企業主要如何規劃人才管理,如何通過遴選、培育、發展及留任的各種管理制度,找尋到適合公司的人才,並避免人才的流失,成為人才管理制度中研究的重點。 本研究首先探討工程測量業人才管理的背景與動機,通過個案研究法研究分析各工程測量公司導入人才管理的原因及目的、並通過剖析個案公司人才管理的導入方式、人才管理的甄選考核流程、人才管理與企業策略的配合程度以及公司負責人對人才管理的理念,總結工程測量行業中導入人才管理的優缺點及須改進之處。 本研究深入採訪B公司測量工程有限公司、詠翔測量工程有限公司、D公司測量工程有限公司和C公司科技工程有限公司等四家工程測量公司,與其公司負責人或公司高層的談話中發現:目前工程測量行業人才管理制度的普及化不高,管理界也沒有完善的模式可供參照,雖然受訪企業目前認為該公司所實行的人才管理方式在流程及執行上均符合其發展需求,但都有共識認為公司若進一步發展,其人才管理制度都須再修改及再成長。 管理者重視人才管理制度的各個層面,相信能獲得員工的認同、信服與追隨,並能提升工作的配合度,創造企業利潤最大化,提升企業品牌形象,更重要的是良好的企業形象能提升對外徵才的效率,對於企業的擴張起到不可忽視的作用。


In an era of rapid economic development, people with lofty ideals have created their own businesses. Talent management is one of the factors for the success or failure of an enterprise. In the engineering measurement industry, work intensity is high, work environment is difficult, talent training is not easy, talent flow is frequent, how to manage talent management, how to choose, cultivate and retain various management systems, find suitable talents for the company, avoid talent loss. It is the focus of research on talent management systems. Firstly, it discusses the background and motivation of talent management in engineering measurement industry, and analyzes the reasons and objectives of talent management in engineering measurement industry through case analysis. Then it analyzes the introduction method of the talent management of the case company, the selection and evaluation process of talent management, the degree of unity of talent management and company strategy, the talent management concept of the company's responsible person, and summarizes the advantages and disadvantages or improvement of talent management. This study interviewed four engineering measurement companies, such as SONG-TENG Survey Co.,Ltd.、YONG-XIANG Survey Co.,Ltd、HONG-SHENG Survey Co.,Ltd. and GONG-DING Technology Co.,Ltd. Found in conversation with the head of the company or the senior management of the company: Currently, in the engineering measurement industry , the popularity of talent management systems is not high, and there is no perfect reference model in the management community. Although the surveyed company currently believes that the company's talent management method is in line with their development needs in terms of process and implementation, and they agreed that if the company is further developed, it is must be revised and re-examined its’ talent management system. If Manager attaches importance to all aspects of the talent management system, I believe that they can get the recognition, conviction and follow-up from employees. Moreover, can improve the coordination of work, create corporate profits, promote corporate brand image, and more importantly, a good corporate image can improve the efficiency of external recruitment, those are force to be reckoned with the enterprises expanding.


