  • 學位論文


The Experience of Participating in Harm Reduction Groups for MSM Susbtance Users : A Qualitative Study

指導教授 : 蔡佩真


男同志與娛樂性藥物之間存在著獨特且特殊的關係,研究者以減少傷害精神帶領受藥物影響所惑的男同志族群。本文採用質性研究法,以5位參與娛樂性藥物減少傷害團體成員為研究對象,透過深度訪談,試圖理解男同志族群參與娛樂性藥物減少傷害團體的動機與改變。 研究參與者平均年齡為31歲,首次踏入藥物世界皆在具有主觀意識下,且透過引路人的介紹,因著人際相處的壓力或為拉近與人的親密度,而跨越心中對於藥物的防線。接著,藥物成為情緒調劑的最佳處方,也成為性愛完美結合的重要媒介,在強烈感官刺激之下,成為每次性愛都須追求的極致巔峰狀態,而漸漸形成男同志特有的藥愛文化。直至產生非預期性生理、心理及社會性功能的影響,且期待能有個空間安全敘說用藥的經歷,進而主動前來參與減少傷害團體。 透過定期參與,成員的改變可歸類為:提升戒癮動機、以客觀及辯證性的方式看待自己與藥物的關係、有效減少藥物使用頻率、發展及執行個別化減少傷害策略、團體成為擴展支持性人際管道來源,並提供情緒的出口之一。 期盼研究成果能鼓舞正在與娛樂性藥物拉扯的男同志族群,不要害怕面對真實的自己與內在對於藥物、性、親密關係等的渴望,以及提供實務工作者們帶領減少傷害團體之參考。


There is a unique and special link between men who have sex with men (MSM) and recreational drugs. The author has being applying the harm reduction approach in her work with the MSM community affected by substance use. In this paper, qualitative research is used to study the cases of five members of a harm reduction group. Through in-depth interviews, the author tried to understand what motivated MSM to come to harm reduction group and how they change as the group goes. The average age of the cases is 31 years old. They were all initiated to, and fully aware of, the world of drugs by the connoisseurs. Under the pressure of interpersonal relationship or because of the need of intimacy, however, they overstepped their boundary with the drugs. Gradually, drugs became the ‘ideal’ prescription for emotional adjustment, and an important medium for ‘perfect’ sex. The strong sexual stimulation became an ultimate goal of each sex session. Chemsex gradually gained importance in their daily life. Not until they started to pay the vicious impact of physiological, psychological, and social functions, and felt the urge to talk about it in a safe place, did they come to harm reduction groups. Through the participation of the harm reduction group, their change can be observed and categorized as follows: being motivated to stop substance use, examining their relationship with drugs in an objective and dialectical manner, effectively reducing the frequency of drug use, developing and implementing individualized harm reduction strategies, and finally the groups becoming an extended interpersonal support and emotional release place for them. The author hopes the present work could, on one hand, inspire MSM who use substance and encourage them to face the true self and the inner desire for drugs, sex, intimacy, etc.; and, on the other, provide my colleagues of the field some reference on leading harm reduction groups.


recreational drugs harm reduction chemsex


一、 中文部分
