  • 學位論文


A Survey of the Psychological Distress, Suicide Risk, Help- Seeking Experience, and the Acceptance of Text-Message Consultation in Young Adults

指導教授 : 蕭富聰


本研究目的旨在探討年輕成人心理困擾及自殺風險現況,並了解年輕成人在過去面對心理困擾問題時求助經驗為何,對於文字即時通訊協談的接納度為何。 本研究主要以「病人健康量表(PHQ-9)」為研究心理困擾與自殺風險之工具, 樣本來源以網路問卷為主,針對於台灣 20 歲至 35 歲年輕成人,共得有效問卷共 1174 份。調查所得資料以描述性統計、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、Scheffé 事 後比較、卡方檢定、皮爾森積差相關等統計方法進行資料處理及分析,茲將研究 所得的結果和主要發現分述如下: 一、20 歲-35 歲之年輕成人多數為輕度以下心理困擾 二、失業的年輕成人普遍多數具有輕度以上心理困擾。 三、在不同背景變項於「心理困擾面向」的困擾程度差異中: 1. 女生在「入睡困難、睡不安穩或睡眠過多」及「食慾不振或吃太多」的困 擾程度高於男生,男生則在「動作或說話速度緩慢到別人已經察覺,或正 好相反」的困擾程度中高於女生 2. 20-24 歲的族群在「感到心情低落、沮喪或絕望」及「覺得自己很糟」 中,分別高於 31-35 歲及 25-30 歲的族群 3. 失業/待業的年輕成人在「入睡困難、睡不安穩或睡眠過多」、「覺得自 己很糟」中困擾程度普遍較高,沒有工作的年輕成人則在「覺得自己很糟」、「對事物專注有困難」高於全職的年輕成人。 四、20 歲-35 歲之年輕成人多數無自殺或自傷意念,約有兩成的年輕成人有自殺意念。女生的整體自殺意念程度高於男生,在「幾乎每天」都有自殺意念的 程度中,男生反而高於女生。 五、年輕成人心理困擾各層面向皆為正相關,其中「感到心情低落、沮喪或絕望」與各層面相關性最高。 六、年輕成人心理困擾程度與其自殺風險程度有顯著正相關,而自殺風險與心理 困擾各面向亦皆達顯著正相關,其中與「覺得自己很糟」相關性最高。 七、求助狀況中,20 歲至 35 歲之年輕成人求助對象主要為「朋友/同學/同事」,且多數年輕成人在過去求助經驗中,認為其過程有所幫助;多數年輕成人皆同意網上求助有所好處。 八、文字即時通訊協談接納意願:年輕成人多數有意願「向文字即時通訊協談服務求助」、「推薦朋友文字即時通訊協談服務」及「讓專業人士透過線上社群 網站來主動關心」,然而在「協談服務人手不足時,與聊天機器人協談」 中,多年輕成人則是認為不願意。 九、年輕成人不同心理困擾程度、自殺風險程度、求助經驗對於文字即時通訊協談接納意願皆處普通偏願意。 十、年輕成人在過去求助經驗中,越認為過去經驗有所幫助,則對於文字即時通訊協談接納意願也越高。 最後,本研究依據研究結果進行討論並提出相關建議,以作為未來學校輔導相關單位以及實務研究工作之參考。


The purpose of this study was to explore the current state of psychological distress and suicide risk in young adults, and to understand the young adults' experience of asking for help when faced with psychological distress in the past and how well they accepted text-message consultation. This study used “Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9)” for assessing psychological distress and suicide risk. The sample source is mainly online questionnaires, targeted at young adults aged 20 to 35 in Taiwan. A total of 1,174 effective questionnaires were received and analyzed by using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffés method, chi-square tests and Pearson’s correlation analysis. The major results from this research are as follows: 1. Young adults between the ages of 20-35 are minor psychological distress. 2. Most unemployed young adults generally have mild or higher psychological distress. 3. compare the differences with different background variables in psychological distress orientation: (1). Female are more troubled than male in “Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much ”and “Poor appetite or overeating”, and male are more troubled than female in “Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the opposite”. (2). The 20-24 age group is more troubled than the 31-35 age group and the 25-30 age group in the “Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless” and “Feeling bad about yourself”. (3). Unemployed young adults are generally more distressed in “Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much” and “Feeling bad about yourself”. Young adults without jobs are more troubled than young adults with full-time jobs in “Feeling bad about yourself” and “Trouble concentrating on things”. 4. Most young adults between the ages of 20 and 35 have no suicidal or suicidal thoughts, and about 20% of young adults have suicidal thoughts. The overall suicidal ideation of female is higher than that of male. In the degree of suicidal thoughts "almost every day", male are higher than female. 5. All aspect of psychological distress in young adults are positively correlated. There were stronger correlations between “Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless” and other aspect of psychological distress, 6. There was a significant positive correlation between the psychological distress of young adults and the risk of suicide. There was also a significant positive correlation between suicidal risk and all aspects of psychological distress, with the highest correlation with “Feeling bad about yourself”. 7. 20-35-year-olds are mainly "friends / classmates / colleagues" for help, and most young adults think that the process is helpful in the past. Most young adults agree on the benefits of online help. 8. Most young adults are willing to: “seek help from social workers or trained volunteers through online instant messaging applications”, “recommend this service to their friend”, “allow professionals to actively approach you”. However, most young adults are unwilling to “negotiate with chat bots when the service is understaffed”. 9. Young adults with different levels of psychological distress, suicidal risk, and help- seeking experience are generally willing to accept text-message consultation. 10. The more adults feel that the past experience is helpful, the higher their willingness to accept text-message consultation. Based on the findings, this study provides suggestions for counselors and serves as references for future studies.


