  • 學位論文


Analysis of Travel Behavior after COVID-19 Outbreak in Taiwan

指導教授 : 周榮昌


目前台灣地區新冠肺炎疫情(Corona-virus Disease 2019, COVID-19)雖然已獲得控制,社會與商業活動也穩定恢復中,但累計至今國內確診人數487人,其中7人死亡,而全球確定病例數高達22,925,928人,全球死亡病例數亦高達800,064人,其全球致死率約為3.49% (累計日期為疫情爆發後至2020/08/22)。但有鑑於該疫情尚未完全獲得控制,能明顯發現世界各地民眾旅次活動明顯的受到影響,針對這項調查刻不容緩。 本研究於疫情初期即針對台灣地區展開相關問卷設計與資料蒐集調查,旨在探討台灣地區受COVID-19疫情影響前後對於受訪者旅運行為之影響,並比較私人運輸與公共運輸的差異,另外透過旅次目的區分為例行性旅次以及非例行性旅次兩類探討兩者間在不同時間點之變化,以計量經濟模式捕捉影響總旅次數、私人運輸及非例行性旅次數變化的顯著因素,其結果可解釋疫情影響旅運行為之關聯。 本研究成果能瞭解民眾面臨特殊狀況下(大規模、傳染迅速、造成嚴重危害)之運具選擇,或是因為配合政府單位以及工作單位的應變措施而降低外出的旅次而產生相關影響因素,亦有助於未來因應類似大規模流行傳染疾病之應變參考。


Although the Corona-virus Disease has been under control in Taiwan currently, the accumulated number of confirmed patients has been up to 487 persons and seven cases were fatal. The toll of confirmed cases has been increasing to 22,925,928 people with fatality rate 3.49% (from the virus outbreak till 2020/08/22). Due to the fact that the Disease has not been under control yet and the Disease still significantly influences people’s daily travel behavior worldwide, it is urgent to investigate, to what extent, the Disease changes people’s travel habits. Therefore, we conducted the survey to obtain the data on Taiwanese people’s travel behavior before and after the outbreak of COVID-19. The results of our study can serve as an important reference for accommodating the similar scaled of pandemic occurred in the future.


邱靜淑,周榮昌,劉祐興,陳科宏,張國振,孫珮珊,吳萍樺,陳永霖,洪怡君(2003) SARS對旅運者旅次行為影響之研究,中華民國運輸學會第18屆論文研討會。
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