  • 學位論文


Exploring the Causes of Online Social Networking Services Fatigue

指導教授 : 許秋萍


近十餘年來,因為網路茁壯,使得社群媒體相繼出現,也有越來越多人使用社群媒體。由於社群媒體的功能強大,能夠分享生活、與人連結等,深受使用者的喜愛。當使用社群媒體成為常態,它們雖然能夠帶給人們正面的影響,但在不當使用的情況下,其實也慢慢地對人們造成心靈上的損害。因此本篇將探討是什麼樣的原因導致使用者產生社群媒體疲勞的負面情緒。   本研究共回收591份有效問卷,主要抽樣之對象為有使用社群媒體的使用者。資料結果顯示,有將近三分之一的使用者在這半年間有減少使用社群媒體。結構方程模型分析資料結果顯示,使用者在八卦、錯過恐懼與失去控制的使用狀態下對焦慮皆顯示為顯著影響;使用者在失去控制、訊息超載與強迫性使用的狀態下對後悔皆顯示為顯著影響;使用者所產生的焦慮與後悔情緒對社群媒體疲勞有顯著影響。最後,以本研究結果所提出的理論與管理意涵作為未來研究社群媒體疲勞背後原因之研究做為參考。


焦慮 後悔 社群媒體疲勞


In the last ten years, internet grows up, more and more SNS have appeared, lots of people enjoy to using it. Because of its great function, like sharing their life or connect with others, many users stick on it. When using SNS become normal, it’s not only bring positive aspect to people, if you use the wrong way on it, it may also bring damage to the user’s mind. Therefore, this study will discuss the reason what makes people get SNS fatigue and the negative emotion.   A total of 591valid samples for the questionnaires were collected, and the main samples are SNS users. The results of the study show that the one and third users have reduce their using time on SNS. The structural equation model analysis data results show that when users are under the status of gossiping, fear of missing out, and lost control had a significant impact on anxiety; when users are under the status of lost control, information overload, and compulsive using had a significant impact on regret; When users are under the emotion of anxiety and regret had a significant impact on SNS fatigue. Finally, the results of this study propose theoretical and management implications, as a reference to the follow-up study of the reason bring SNS fatigue.


Anxiety Regret Social media fatigue


一、 中文部分
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4. 蔡宗宏, 王湘茹, & 池文海. (2016). 以社會交換理論探討社群網站互動與自我揭露前因與結果變數之研究—以 Facebook 為例. 電子商務學報, 18(1), b1-46.
