  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship between Educational Choices of Parents and Parental Loyalty

指導教授 : 陳靜怡


近年來臺灣社會出生率日益下降,影響各級學校的新生人數,造成教育現場極大的衝擊,少子女化是現今學校最大的挑戰。加上教育法規鬆綁,家長教育選擇權意識抬頭,各種類型的學校型態如雨後春筍般出現,尤其是私立國中招生人數年年爆滿,對於公立國中的經營更是雪上加霜。 本研究欲探討教育選擇權的七個構面:學校特色、設備與環境、課程與教學、學生成績表現、教師素質、交通便利性、公共關係與家長忠誠度之關係,藉由電子問卷進行調查,並將回收的問卷資料透過套裝軟體SPSS進行敘述性統計分析、信度分析、相關分析和迴歸分析,並以分析結果驗證各項假說。 根據本研究分析顯示,學生成績表現優異對家長忠誠度有顯著的正向影響,由此可知學生的成績表現仍是家長最在意的部分,學生在校成績的優異便是家長選校就讀的最佳保證。學校特色表現對家長忠誠度有正向影響的假說亦獲得部分支持,其中校風辦學佳獲得極顯著之正向影響,可知家長十分看重校風優良、校長有良好的辦學理念、重視品德教育等因素,學校具備這些條件時,家長的忠誠度自然提升。教師素質高對家長忠誠度有正向影響的假說同樣得到部分支持的結果。教師是學校效能提升的主要動力來源,家長重視師資年輕穩定,期盼教師能對外表現優異,深信有優質教師才能有優質的教育品質。公共關係佳對家長忠誠度有正向影響的假說也得到部分支持,親師生關係良好正向影響家長對學校的支持與肯定。教師是學校的最佳代言人,更是學校與家長溝通的第一道橋樑,有良好的親師生關係自然是影響家長忠誠度的一大因素。 因此本研究建議國中學校應以上述顯著影響忠誠度的特性採取積極策略擬定學校發展方針,希望透過本研究能夠給予各國中教育夥伴經營上的參考與助力。


Low birthrate has been the greatest challenge faced by schools today in Taiwan society, affecting the enrollment numbers of schools at all levels as well as causing an enormous impact on the education scene. The deregulation of Education Law, the awareness of parental education choice, and the springing up of a variety of school modes make the public junior high school management even worse, especially when the enrollment of private junior high schools is full every year. The study intended to explore the relationship between education choices and parental loyalty, and education choices were discussed in the seven dimensions: school feature, equipment and environment, curriculum and teaching, student academic performance, teacher quality, traffic convenience, and public relationship. An electronic questionnaire was utilized to do the survey; through SPSS, descriptive statistical analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis were used to analyze the collected data and to test the hypotheses. The analysis indicated students’ excellent academic performance had a significantly positive influence on parental loyalty. Parents care about students’ academic performance most, and their excellent performance is the guarantee for parents to choose schools. The hypothesis that school features positively influence parental loyalty is supported partly. School spirit is the most important feature parents pay attention to. Parental loyalty increases when the school is equipped with the conditions of great school spirit, principal’s good school-running ideas, and emphasis on character education. The results also showed that high quality of teachers had some influence on parental loyalty. Teachers are the main power source of school efficiency improvement. Parents value young and stable teachers, hoping them perform outstandingly outside the school, and believe great teachers can provide high quality education. Besides, good public relationship also has positive influence on parental loyalty. Good relationships among parents, teachers, and students can positively affect parents’ supports and recognition for schools. Teachers are the best endorsements of their schools, acting as the first communicative bridge between schools and parents. Therefore, the study suggests junior high schools should take the characteristics significantly influencing loyalty as strategies to draft school development policy, and meanwhile, this study could be the reference and helping force to all partners of junior high schools.


