  • 學位論文


A Study of the Status and Implementation Indicators of American Expeditionary Learning Curriculum in Taiwan: An Example of a Junior High School in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 鄭以萱
共同指導教授 : 蔡居澤(Ju-Tse Tsai)


本研究旨在探討臺灣國中體驗課程實施美國遠征式學習課程實施指標,以個案研究和教育問題解決研究法為主要研究策略,並透過文件分析、深度訪談與參與觀察,進行質性實徵資料蒐集。據之,研究者進一步並列比較與分析臺美遠征式學習課程,同時輔以德懷術問卷來蒐集我國實務專家意見並探析遠征式學習課程指標之課程設計、教師與教學、行政與社區支持三向度。透過上述研究發現與討論,了解美國遠征式學習課程如何落實於臺灣國中體驗學習課程,並提供建議予我國教師未來發展與實踐臺灣的遠征式學習課程實施指標。   本研究發現美國遠征式學習課程於臺灣在地化之後,可從三大向度探討,分別為:(一)課程設計:事前課程規劃、課程設計、教學方法及事後課程引導反思;(二)教師與教學:遠征式學習與體驗學習之教學能力、跨領域結合與共備課程;(三)行政與社區支持:支援教學與引入相關專家與資源。   本研究根據發現與分析結果,針對遠征式學習與體驗學習課程實施指標提出相關建議:(一)課程設計與學生成果呈現:提出課程之不同做法,且維持學生動機需要善用同儕壓力與成果藍圖;(二)教師教學與班級經營:教師須先認同遠征式學習之精神,並善用相關教學理念;(三)行政與社區支持:可善用校外資源包括鄰近大學社會責任計畫 ,以及引入外部專家;(四)未來後續研究:可運用其他研究策略與方法(如:多重個案研究、行動研究、美國移地個案研究);或在108課綱實施更成熟之階段,再次進行德懷術問卷研究。


This study aims to explore the indicators of the expeditionary learning used in the U.S. into experiential learning curriculum in junior high schools in Taiwan. The researcher adopted case study, conducting the research on the students at a junior high school in New Taipei City. Through documentary analysis, in-depth interview, and observation, the researcher explored the status and implementation of American expeditionary learning in Taiwan. The researcher compared and analyzed expeditionary learning in America and Taiwan, and gather the advices of curriculum design, teacher teaching and administrative community support from Delphi Method. Though the findings, it is understood that the indicators of the expeditionary learning into experiential learning in Taiwan. Also, we can get the advices for the teachers who put the expeditionary learning into practice. Through this study, the researcher gained three observations: (1) curriculum design, including lesson planning, teaching methods, and guided reflection; (2) teacher and teaching, including teachers’ competence with expeditionary learning and experiential learning, and interdisciplinary collaboration; and (3) administrative and community support, including the provision of experts and resources. According to the findings and analysis, we can get the indicators of suggestions: (1) curriculum design and learning outcomes: Proposing different methods, teachers use the peer pressure and learning outcome to maintain students’ motivation ; (2) teaching and class management: teachers identify the model of expeditionary learning and use the relevant teaching philosophy; (3) administrative and community support: getting the resources and experts from University Social Responsibility (USR); and (4) research suggestions: using other research strategies and methodologies, such as multi-case study, action research, fieldwork (overseas relocation) in the U.S., and Delphi Method.


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