  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Marketing Strategy for Seniors in The Dietary Supplement Industry

指導教授 : 陳建良


台灣即將在 2025 年進入高齡社會,背後隱含的是老年人口數成長帶動龐大需求的商機,也促使政府更注重健康政策的設計,減緩醫療資源供給不足和勞動力不足的風險。可預見的是,隨著國民保健意識提升,保健食品市場將隨老年人口數穩定成長。由於保健食品市場具有高利潤與極高成長性,吸引生技廠商、傳統食品廠商相繼投入,甚至上下游廠商、國外廠商也都進入市場,顯見保健食品是一個競爭激烈的市場;在高利潤高成長性的有利條件之下,企業需謹慎制定策略在激烈競爭中生存。 本研究目的在於探討如何制定策略,採用個案研究法,以保健食品通路商Y公司為研究對象。本研究透過策略規劃相關工具,包含五力分析與 SWOT 方法分析保健食品通路產業與個案Y公司,並以行銷 4P 分析以及深度訪談等方式,了解個案Y公司針對銀髮族族群設計的行銷策略,有以下研究發現: 首先是以五力分析了解保健食品通路商面臨的競爭程度,其次透過文獻探討了解飢餓行銷的策略內涵。在此基礎上,本研究整理個案Y公司如何針對銀髮族顧客,設計客製化的行銷策略,能引導其他廠商如何透過策略分析工具,理解產業環境和自身狀況,並學習透過設立策展場域、體驗行銷、深度顧客經營等方式,提高銀髮族顧客的營收貢獻比例。


As Taiwan is probably becoming aged-society by 2025, growing senior population leads to not only business opportunities, but also drives the policymakers to focus on health policies to minimize the risk of health care resource and labor force shortage. As a result of the rising health consciousness, we can image that the sales of health supplements rise consequently. At the meanwhile, because of the growing needs and high-than-average profit potential, new entrants-biotechnology company, food company, upstream or downstream enterprise, and even foreign competitors- are entering this industry one after another. Without a doubt, companies in this market have more than enough competition and have to make strategies carefully to survive under the circumstance like this. The purpose of this paper is to discuss how company can make strategies. We use case study and take Y firm, which is a retailor in dietary supplement industry, as research target. In this paper, we use strategy planning tools, including Porter’s five forces analysis and SWOT analysis, to figure out dietary supplement industry and Y firm. Then, we use the 4Ps of marketing and in-depth interviews to understand the marketing strategies Y firm makes for the elderly consumers. The results are as follows: First, we found out the competitiveness of the dietary supplement industry based on Porter’s five forces analysis. Also, we acquired the strategic meaning of hunger marketing through literatures. Last but not the least, the customized marketing strategy, which Y firm adapt to manage the elderly customers, sorted from this study can help the other firms to figure out the industry environment and their own situation through strategy planning tools, and learn how to use different methods such as exhibition marketing, experiential marketing, and customer relationship management to enhance the sales from the elder.


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