  • 學位論文


Capital Cluster and Environmental Factors : Take OBUs’ Spatial Distribution in Taipei City for Example

指導教授 : 石計生
共同指導教授 : 曾淑芬(Shu-Fen Tseng)


當全球化的時代來臨時,我們的社會發展卻是朝向更為集中的趨勢。透過全球網路的連結,產生了全球城市的概念。然而,即使在一個都市的範疇下,全球化的作用也從來不是均質的發生其影響。特別是國際金融資金的流動,會直接與產業的發展息息相關。 透過地理資訊系統(GIS)作為一個思想的共同操作平台的思考所發展出來的SCG方法,以國際金融業務分行(OBU)為代表,分析國際金融資本在台北市空間分佈上的概況,發現大致上國內的銀行可以分成三個不同的類型來說明之。最早成立的老行庫,其空間群聚依附著歷史意義深遠的館前路;外資銀行進入台灣之後因為要就近服務外籍企業的客戶,所以集中在外資最密集的敦化北路民生東路一帶。至於本國籍的新興銀行,受到電腦網絡的影響,其空間的聚集不若外資與老行庫般顯著。 從質化訪談得知國際金融業務分行的業務一般會分散至外匯指定銀行,因此在二次製圖的過程中,加入外匯指定銀行的因素,發現其分佈趨勢是受到全球化的市場所導致,呈現由西向東集中的趨勢。


When globalization society arrive, our society will become concentration. Global network accounted for the conception of global city. Even if in the same city, globalization can not be happened equally. International finance is influenced by industry. We use SCG Method to analyze the location of International Capital in Taipei City to understand how the globalization works. The cluster of old banks’ OBU are Located on Guanqian Rd. which is related their history. The cluster of foreign banks’ OBU is spread on Dunhua N. Rd. and Minsheng E. Rd. because there are many foreign companies. The cluster of private bank is not obvious as other kind banks, because the computer network and the rise of information society. By interview, we discovered that the affairs of OBUs was spread to Domestic Banking Unit. For this reason, we put Domestic Banking Unit as a factor in this research, and then we find the distribution of Domestic Banking Unit is from west to east in Taipei City. Finally, the research discovered that the globalization influences the location. The concentration tendency is from west to east.


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