  • 學位論文


Effect of individual attributes to employee silence behavior: The moderating effects of authoritarian leadership

指導教授 : 林玥岑


隨著全球化的腳步加劇、企業間的競爭程度也隨之提升,許多企業相較於以往,已經愈來愈重視內部員工的意見,並且也致力暢通內部的溝通管道。但在華人社會中,由於重視人際和諧的價值觀,使人們面對歧見、矛盾時,通常容易採取迴避的態度;加上,華人的高權力距離以及常見的「主管都是對的」信念,使得部屬面對主管時,容易傾向對組織或工作議題保持沉默的態度。這種現象在華人社會中,是非常普遍的。回顧過去文獻,過去有關員工沉默行為的實證研究都忽略了個人屬性和主管的領導行為對員工沉默行為的影響。因此,本研究之目的便是要探討:(1)員工個人屬性是如何影響員工對主管的沉默行為,以及(2)主管的領導行為是如何調節個人屬性和員工沉默行為之間的關係。 本研究主要是探討部屬的自我效能、他人取向、主管的威權領導行為與員工沉默行為之間的關係。採用自陳式問卷來進行樣本蒐集,共收回有效樣本326份來進行分析。分析結果顯示,部屬的自我效能對部屬面對主管的沉默行為有正向影響;而部屬的他人取向對部屬面對主管的沉默行為沒有產生顯著影響;主管的威權領導行為與部屬面對主管的沉默行為間有正向的主效果存在。研究結果說明,華人社會中常見的威權領導行為以及部屬的自我效能,對部屬的沉默行為的重要影響。本研究並依此提出建議,以作為企業、後續研究者之參考。


Recently, organizations show increasingly emphasis on employees’ opinion about organizational problems. In the Chinese society, however, subordinates’ silent behavior toward supervisors tends to be a general phenomenon. This phenomenon results in such negative effects as low commitment and poor decision quality. Since previous studies on employee silence ignored the effect of individual attributes and leadership behavior to such behavior, the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships between individual attributes, leadership behavior, and employee silence. The major argument of this study is threefold. First, previous studies had shown that subordinate’s self-perceptions can affect the desire to provide feedback toward supervisors. It is also shown that self-efficacy has related positively with individual accomplishment. Thus, employee’s self-efficacy is proposed to negatively influence employee silence behavior. Second, since social norms, individual need for reputation, and emphasis of interpersonal harmony in the Chinese society, people seriously care for others’ thoughts and judgments when speaking up one’s own opinion. This orientation of caring about others hinders Chinese employees expression of opinions; hence it is proposed that such orientation will positively affect employee silence behavior. Additionally, authoritarian leadership is unique to the Chinese society and is expected to positively moderate the negative relationship between employee’s self-efficacy and employee silence behavior and to positively moderate the positive relationship between employee’s other-orientation and employee silence behavior.


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