  • 學位論文


Question-Answering Statistics Based Peer Discussion Monitoring and Prediction Mechanisms for Peer Instruction

指導教授 : 周志岳




Peer Instruction is a teaching method, which is proposed by Mazur to enhance the effectiveness of classroom teaching and to increase the interaction between students and teacher. Peer Instruction contains several activities, including pre-reading, teaching, quizzes, and peer discussion. Peer Instruction has been proven to promote student critical thinking, ability to solve problems, and decision-making. However, teachers need information to adjust Peer Instruction activities. Some systems are developed to support peer instruction, and help teacher to collect student answers situation for adjusting peer instruction activities, but these systems lack of student performance mechanism or previous student answering statistics for teachers. This research bases on previous student Peer Instruction answering records to develop a prediction mechanism to predict the correctness of second answers of each student and all students according to the correctness of their first answers and their discussion partners in Peer Instruction. This research also provides previous student second answering records of the similar correctness of the first answering and that of the same question. The evaluation results reveal that the prediction correctness of second answering is about 75%. The results also show that the previous student answering performance is statistically highly correlated with the current student answering performance. In sum, the student second answering prediction and previous student answering records are useful assistance for teachers to carry out Peer Instruction.


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