  • 學位論文

護理人員對愛滋病照護知識、態度及行為 趨向之研究∼以某區域醫院為例

Nurse's Knowledge, Attitudes and Behavior Intentions toward Care of Patients with AIDS – Evidence from a Regional Hospital

指導教授 : 王維康


依據聯合國愛滋病組織估計,在2007年底全球累計有3320萬人感染愛滋病毒,超過210萬人因此而死亡,目前愛滋病、癌症與憂鬱症被認為是新世紀公共醫療衛生的三大疾病,其對人類的生命安全、全球的經濟發展造成很大的衝擊。 本研究旨在瞭解區域醫院護理人員對愛滋病照護知識、態度及行為趨向之現況,深入探討其相關性及影響因素。本研究採橫斷式調查法,以北區某區域醫院護理人員為研究樣本,進行問卷調查,研究工具為自擬之愛滋病照護知識、態度及行為趨向問卷,共收案328份(92.1%),以SPSS12.0軟體進行分析與檢定。 研究結果顯示:護理人員愛滋病照護知識偏低,平均得分67.72分,照護態度與行為趨向偏向正向,護理人員之年齡、學歷、護理工作年資、目前職稱、服務科別、護理專業進階層級、個人平均薪資收入、相關課程型式、有接受在職教育、有照護愛滋病經驗等,與知識得分程度有顯著差異;個人薪資收入高者其照護態度較正向;護理專業進階層級越高其照護行為越正向。照護態度與行為趨向呈正相關。迴歸分析顯示影響護理人員照護態度的變項是知識與行為趨向,影響照護行為趨向的變項是知識與態度,尤其是態度影響行為最顯著,而照護態度與行為趨向未影響知識。 護理人員愛滋病照護知識、態度及行為趨向呈正相關。本研究結果可作為衛生主管機關及醫院制定及推展護理人員愛滋病在職教育之參考。 關鍵字:護理人員、愛滋病、知識、態度、行為趨向


According to the Joint United Nations Program on Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (UNAIDS), there were estimated to have 33.2 million people infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and more than 2.1 million people died because of it in 2007. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), cancer, and depression are thought to be the three major diseases in this new age which have great impact on human’s life and global economics. This study is aimed to understand the current condition of the nurse's knowledge, attitude, and behavior intentions toward care of patients with AIDS in a regional hospital. Cross-section study was adapted and the subjects are the nursing staffs in one regional hospital in northern Taiwan. Total number of valid questionnaire is 328 (92.1%). The study tool is a newly designed scale about the knowledge, attitude, and behavior toward AIDS. The result revel a below-than-average level of knowledge of AIDS which scored 67.27. When studied with one variable analysis (ANOVA), the score of AIDS knowledge has positive correlation with age, education level, seniority, professional title, divisions, rank of nursing professional qualification, salary, in-service education, and experience in caring AIDS patients. Higher salary is correlated with more positive attitude about caring AIDS patients. Better behavior intention is noted in higher rank of nursing professional qualification. Regression analysis shows the variables of attitude is knowledge and behavior intention, knowledge and attitude would affect behavior intention, but attitude and behavior intention is not the predicting factor of knowledge. The nurse’s knowledge about AIDS is positively related to attitude and behavior intention. The result recommends providing in-service training and education programs of AIDS in the hospital. Keywords: nursing staff, AIDS, knowledge, attitude, behavior intention


行政院衛生署(2009).愛滋病統計報表。行政院衛生署疾病管制局網頁查詢.http://www. cdc.gov.tw
巫沛瑩、孫幸筠、胡賦強、羅一鈞、劉玫君、吳政信、洪健清、張上淳(2008).愛滋病毒匿名篩檢陽性極重覆篩檢之相關因子.台灣醫學,12 (5),513-523。


