  • 學位論文


A Study and Construct of the Disabled Elderly and caregivers in Social Support Systems

指導教授 : 陳燕禎


老年人口快速增加所帶來的衝擊不僅是奉養的問題,更大的考驗是老人的照顧需求及照顧者的照顧負荷。本研究主要在探討失能老人與主要照顧者的社會支持的需求與來源,進而建構失能老人與主要照顧者的社會支持系統。本研究採質化研究的深度訪談法,以居家的失能老人、家屬主要照顧者、外籍家庭看護工和專家學者進行三方的訪談,收集第一手深度性資料,共完成訪談24位。失能老人與主要照顧者的社會支持依來源多寡可分為三種類型。甘之如飴型:社會支持的資源高於其他兩類型,來自於家人的情緒性及工具性支持的資源多,當有需求時能很快的找到援手;個人特質方面較樂觀積極、適應力強,社會互動頻繁。順其自然型:認為老化或失能是必經之路,因此當事情發生時採取「時到時擔當」的態度,不會積極的向外界尋求資源與協助。無奈承受型:此類型的社會支持來源少,所獲得的社會支持貧乏,照顧者是默默的負擔照顧的責任。具體建議:1.政府能擴大家屬照顧者生活津貼,增加家屬照顧者就業性支持,提供外籍家庭看護工喘息服務,加強照顧、語言能力訓練,以滿足老人照顧需求;2.失能老人能充實保健知識及心理調適能力,以因應老化帶來的改變;3.主要照顧者應提升照顧知識與技能,平時要維持社會網絡的穩定與頻率。 關鍵字:失能老人、外籍家庭看護工、主要照顧者、社會支持


The rapid increase of elderly population bring the impacts, not only on taking care of the elderly, but also more on caring needs and caring loads of a caregiver. This study focuses on societal support needs and sources of the disabled elderly, and major caregivers. Furthermore, we will construct a societal support system for the disabled elderly and caregivers.In this study, depth interviews in a qualitative research have been adopted. We have conducted interviews with three parties, i.e. the disabled elderly living at home, family major support caregivers, foreign homecare workers and experts and scholars. As a result, we have collected first-hand and in- depth information, completed with 24 interviewees in total.From the source size of societal support for the disabled elderly and caregivers, it can be divided into three types. The first type “gladly endure hardships”, whose source of societal support is higher than other two types. Support sources from family in emotion and instrument are sufficient. When there are needs, one may find help at ease; personal characteristics are more optimistic and aggressive, adaptable and interactive in social relations. The second type “let nature take its course”: which considers aging or disability is a definite way to happen, so when a thing happens, one may have an attitude“ let it be.” One may not actively seek resources and assistance from outside world. The third type “Helpless but to take it”, whose social support source is small and meager. Caregivers take their responsibility for caring job in silence. Finally, this study also provides three concrete proposals: 1. the Government may broaden living allowances for family caregivers, increase the employment support for family caregivers, provide respite services for foreign homecare workers, give better care and language training to meet the care needs of the elderly; 2. The disabled elderly can learn better health knowledge and make psychological adjustments so to cope with aging changes; 3. Major caregivers should improve their knowledge and skills of caring. At usual time, they should maintain the stability and frequency of social networks. Keywords: Disabled Elderly, Foreign Domestic Workers, Major Caregivers, Social Support


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