  • 學位論文


The Psychological Affection of Culture Difference by Corporate Transformation on Remain Employees-Based on the Retail Company

指導教授 : 李弘暉


現今亞洲市場慢慢崛起,人才為公司最重要的資產,因此本文主要探討企業由外商轉台商後,留任員工的心路歷程的轉變,員工不僅需適應異動的組織變化,同時更大的衝擊是文化差異所帶來公司文化的改變,留任員工對於文化差異帶來心理層面之影響。 本研究以質化深度訪談方式,對象為八位外商時期中高階主管較多,記錄文化差異心路歷程之影響,依相關文獻資料做交叉歸納分析及建議。 研究結果發現,十二項情緒感受之心理歷程,可分析三階段『初期階段』、『中期階段』、『後期階段』說明,並依據多數訪談者認同台商較偏向的五個文化差異衝擊影響最深,與員工心理情緒做交叉研究分析發現:(1)「偏高權力距離」─疲倦、不被信任;(2)「偏重獨裁領導方式」─感覺很敷衍、拘束、無奈;(3)「偏高不確定性避免」─不被信任、不安;(4)「偏拘束工作氣氛」─拘束、疲倦、沒有成就感;(5)「偏重視公司福利」─不重視員工,且分析發現中高階及基層受訪者在文化差異及心理歷程偏向一致性與階級並無相關性,故本研究建議未來台商併購外商時,管理者可依此研究結果做事先全面性妥善規劃,有助於企業更有效協助員工與企業同步發展留住優秀人才。


文化差異 心理情緒


The Asia market rapidly growth nowadays, talents become the most important asset in a company, however when the company ownership has been changed, especially a global company transform to a localize ownership company, transformation of the psychological affection on remain employee, there are few organization changing impacts might occurred, the most directly impact will be culture difference shock follows company culture changing, therefore this thesis will discuss the effect of culture difference shock and remain employees psychological affection for new changing. The methodology of survey comes from interview eight senior managers whom working at globalizing company, and record their past experience of company culture transformed, according to the related literature material cross analysis and suggestion. The research finding shows twelve things of psychology challenge can be classify into primary phase, med-long term phase and post-phase. However most interviewee point out five factors of culture gap will affect employee’s moral. (1)”Overflows power distance”- weary, trustless. (2)” Dictator Leadership”- careless, restrict, helpless. (3)” High Uncertainty Avoidance”- not trustful, uncertainty. (4)”Restrict working atmosphere”- restrict, weary, sense of achievement. (5) “Company Welfare” – careless employees.,The finding shows the culture difference and psychology affect have the common consensus between senior manager level and junior employees, therefore this research result provide the facts and the evidence of keeping good talents for enterprise future development, especially the merge occurred between localize company and foreign company.


1、方世榮、張嘉雯、黃識銘(2003) 。組織間關係長期導向之影響因素的探討-中小企業特質的干擾作用,台灣管理學刊,3(1),101-124。
