  • 學位論文


Creating Art Installations by Converting Digital Information into Sound and Images

指導教授 : 周文修


影像與聲音在數位藝術創作中是主要的元素來源與表現方式,國內外許 多藝術家都常以自身的生活經驗或感官體驗來發想創作主題,這是一種以感 性向度為出發的創作方式。然而,在數位藝術的領域裡,也常會看到擁有數 學、資訊等科學領域背景的藝術家是以理性的向度創作作品,探討某些物理、 化學或科學等自然現象,這也為數位藝術領域開拓新的見聞與視野。 本論文的創作作品〈時光跡〉與〈克拉尼衛星〉則偏向融合藝術感性與科學理性的雙向度做為創作的原點。企圖將生活中電腦所能擷取到的數位資訊如數位網路攝影機的色光影像資訊、網路即時更新的資料做聲音與影像形式上的運用與轉換。期待以新型態的創作形式重新詮釋原始數位資訊意義。 本論文作品在當代數位藝術的資訊性美學架構下,以資訊視覺化與資訊聽覺化的概念手法為主要的創作原理與憑藉,試圖將數位資訊的數值連結人類情感與理性資訊,將冰冷的數位訊息轉換輸出成讓人體感官可體會的影像和聲音的呈現方式, 讓觀賞者從不同的角度看待數位資訊,並體驗與新型態 數位資訊互動之感受。


Image and sound are the main elements and sources in digital art creation.Many artists often think up the creative subject by their own life experience, this is a more sensory way to present the work. Although, in digital art field, some artists are also good at engineering or mathematics, so that we can notice some digital art works try to integrate art with science phenomenon. These works presenting some rational aspects of creativity have open up a new horizon in digital art. 〈Tracking〉and 〈Chladni Satellite〉are based on Information Aesthetics,and the main creative principles are Information Visualization and Sonification.Using the digital information such as the projecting image information and the real time data from the Internet, the two art installations attempt to connect the digital information with the sensorial image and sound interactions. To sum up,the art installations by converting digital information into sound and images can be expected to create a novel view for illustrating the origin complex digital information.


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