  • 學位論文


The Research of “Non Court Eviction Order” on the Price and Countermeasure for Court Auction House

指導教授 : 丘邦翰


點交或不點交是法拍屋最受到注意的特徵,不點交的法拍屋相較於點交者,通常需要花上更長的時間才能取得房屋的使用權,也因此被認定為風險較高。本研究蒐集了自96年第三季到100年第三季,台北市大安區拍定之法拍屋共181件,經配對比較之後,可以發現: 1. 法拍屋的拍定單坪價格比市場平均單坪價低; 2. 不點交的法拍屋拍定單坪價格整體而言比點交的法拍屋低。 價格之間的差距並不一定,因為這部份可視為得標人對法拍屋所要求的風險溢酬,但每個人的風險承受度,無法予以量化,所以該要求多少的風險溢酬才算合理並沒有規則可循。 看懂法拍公告是投標法拍屋前的重要工作,公告中所載明房屋被佔用的狀況,是判斷拍定後能否快速取得使用權的重要依據,對於公告不點交的法拍屋,本研究在匯整實務上的做法後,分別就不點交的原因及應採取的因應方式,做一探討與陳述,讓有意投入法拍市場者,做為參考評估的依據。


法拍屋 點交 不點交


For Court Auction House,to be evicted or not is generally the most concerned feature.Compared with court eviction order cases,those non-evicted usually take more time and effort to obtain the usage right,considered as higher risk.In the research,we collect 181 samples of court auction house in Da-an ,Taipei City from the third quarter 2007 to the third qarter 2011.Through “paired comparison method” ,we found that: 1. The averaged court auction house price per level ground is lower than the averaged market price. 2. Overall,the averaged price of non court eviction order cases is lower than the court eviction order cases. Difference between those averaged price is not necessarily.The reason is that it would be regarded as the risk premium required by bidders.However,it is not quantifiable that how much risk the bidders would like to suffer.As a result,there no rules to follow in the difference between the price. To clarify the announcement of court auction house is an important and basic job before bidding.The announcement ,disclosed the occupation situation in the house,is a foundation to judge whethere the bidders can obtain the usage right as soon as possible.In the research,by collecting the practice ,we would like to discuss and illustrate the reasons and the strategies for non court eviction cases separately.They can be the referral to those who tend to bid the court auction house.


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