  • 學位論文


The Conduct Significance and Spiritual Value in Narrative Structure of “Outlaws of the Marsh”

指導教授 : 李翠瑛


《水滸傳》以政治書寫為其敘事主調,金聖歎對小說「亂自上作」、「官逼民反」的內容概括,精確道出小說政治書寫之所在;小說如何進行政治書寫,在其敘 事過程中又蘊含有哪些思想意涵,遂值得研究探討。此外,小說結局以悲劇收場, 其悲劇意蘊的關鍵當在接受招安;歷來學者多能看見宋江忠義思想與現實環境、集 團意識相互矛盾的衝突所在,但對於招安後的戰爭敘事如何鋪墊其悲劇意蘊,便少 有詳細探討。   本文以梁山眾人的行為意涵與精神價值為研究對象,透過敘事學的啟發,探討 梁山眾人在小說敘事結構中,其形象與特定行為中所蘊含的小說意涵與精神價值。   梁山眾人的特定行為在敘事結構之安排下,傳達了作者對政治體制的嘲諷與控 訴,除此之外,它同時也反映民間百姓渴望正義與幻想美好物質生活的一面。而拋 物線式的敘事結構,使梁山眾人的行為與精神在招安前、後,產生「由個人至群體」、「由俠義至忠義」的內容轉變。此轉變賦予梁山眾人身分的正當性及合理性 ,但同時也弱化他們的行為意涵與精神價值,在忠義精神與生命價值的辯證過程中 ,梁山泊漸漸走向離散死亡的悲劇結局。   《水滸傳》的悲劇結局因為政治書寫之故,含有悲壯深沉的政治悲劇意識,同 時透過「人事已非」的情節對比,也蘊含有感慨悲涼的生命體悟。對生命無常的理 性領悟,使《水滸傳》具有哲學性的思想深度。


The political writing is the main narrative of "Outlaws of the Marsh". According to Jin Sheng-Tan’s(金聖歎) view, the feature of political writing on Outlaws of the Marsh is that the unreasonable rule causes the rebellion. The ideological implications of the political writing on the novel is worthy of study. And the key plot of the novel is amnesty. A lot of scholars aim at the conflict between the Songjiang’s(宋江) loyalty-justice thought and reality, but neglect the importance and the implications of the war narrative after amnesty. What they miss is this thesis focused. I study the acts meaning and spiritual values of Liangshanbo(梁山泊) group. My own view is that the arrangement of the specific acts conveys sarcasm and complaining from author. In addition, it also reflects the crowd’s thirsty for justice and a better life. The meaning of Liangshanbo group’s acts change after amnesty. Through amnesty, they become a legal group and devote loyalty to the royal family. This change also weaken their acts meaning and spiritual values, it causes they toward death and detachment finally. The tragic ending of Outlaws of the Marsh contains a deep political and philosophical meaning.


