  • 學位論文


Relationships among battered experiences, resources loss, coping behavior and psychological symptoms of the women who have experienced marital violence

指導教授 : 黃君瑜


研究背景與目的:婚姻暴力在台灣發生率逐年攀升,婦女處於暴力關係之中所承受的壓力相當沈重,除了受到生理上的傷害之外,其恐懼與憂慮亦造成許多心理症狀的出現,甚至造成憂鬱及創傷後的壓力反應,影響心理健康。另外,在暴力發生後,婦女可能會經歷資源流失的威脅或確實有所流失,進而產生壓力。本研究以資源保留理論的壓力模式為基礎,探討婦女遭受婚姻暴力後,其受暴經驗、資源流失情況、所採取的因應行為及心理症狀之間的關係。 研究方法:本研究採橫斷式研究設計,以民國99年5月到12月前來各機構求助之婚暴婦女為主要研究對象,共計92名。研究工具為基本資料表、資源流失調查表、華人社會脈絡下的因應策略量表、創傷後心理症狀指標量表-短版與症狀檢核量表90題修訂版之憂鬱分量表。資料分析以變異數分析、相關分析與階層迴歸分析進行假設考驗。 研究結果:研究結果指出受暴經驗在資源流失程度、憂鬱症狀及創傷後壓力症狀上有顯著差異。資源流失與憂鬱症狀、創傷後壓力症狀呈正相關,即資源流失越多,心理症狀愈嚴重,且資源流失可顯著預測憂鬱症狀及創傷後壓力症狀,但資源流失與四類型因應行為無顯著關聯。因應行為中主動損他因應行為與創傷後壓力症狀呈負相關,主動利他與主動損他因應行為與憂鬱症狀呈負相關,但四類型因應行為均無法顯著預測心理症狀的發生。研究結果顯示資源流失對受暴婦女心理症狀的影響大於因應行為,資源流失可直接預測心理症狀的出現,且資源流失中「個人能力與特質資源流失」為心理症狀的最強預測因子。 討論:瞭解目前國內婚暴婦女憂鬱與創傷後壓力症狀情形,及受暴經驗、資源流失與心理症狀的關係,並透過資源保留理論的觀點,釐清資源流失與因應行為對心理症狀的影響。臨床工作者在面對婚暴婦女時,除考量受暴經驗、資源流失與因應行為對婦女心理健康的影響外,亦可留意人口學變項如經濟弱勢及教育程度較低等可能的危險因子,提供更多適切的瞭解與服務。


Background and purpose:The violence from spousal has increased steadily in Taiwan. Women in violent relationships are under heavy pressure and resulted in enormous physical and psychological symptoms, such as post-traumatic stress responses and depression. After experiencing violence, women might face either the threat of resources loss or simply lost their resources. These experiences might lead them into heavy pressure. Based on Conservation of Resources stress model, the present study was designed to examine the relationships among battered experiences, resources loss, coping behavior and psychological symptoms after marital violence. Methods:This study is based on cross sectional design, using a total of 92 women as main subjects. The subjects were chosen from battered women whom had come to facilities for help between 2010 May to December. The instruments are the basic information questionnaire, Resources Loss Inventory, Coping Strategies in Chinese Social Context, Post-Traumatic Stress Reaction Index-Short Form and Depression Subscale of Symptom CheckList-90-Revised. The statistical analyses included correlation, analysis of covariance, and hierarchical regression analysis. Results:The battered experiences made difference in resources loss, depression symptoms and posttraumatic stress reactions. The resources loss is positive correlation with posttraumatic stress reactions and depression symptoms, i.e. psychological symptoms are proportional to bigger resource loss. Resources loss could predict depression symptoms and posttraumatic stress reactions, but resources loss has no correlation with four types of coping behavior. Active-antisocial coping has negative correlation with posttraumatic stress reactions, while both active-prosocial and active-antisocial coping has negative correlation with depression symptoms, but four types of coping behavior could not predict psychological symptoms. This study discovered resources loss had much stronger influence on psychological symptoms than coping behavior. Also, resources loss could predict psychological symptoms directly. Furthermore, personality and personal ability resources loss was the strongest predictor. Conclusion:The present study was designed to comprehend depression symptoms and posttraumatic stress reactions of battered women in Taiwan, also examine the relationships among battered experiences, resources loss, and psychological symptoms after marital violence. The goal was to clarify psychological symptoms under the influence of resources loss and coping behavior through conservation of resources theory. In order to provide more understanding and suitable suggestions, the present study suggests other than battered experiences, resources loss, and coping behavior, clinical workers should also consider risk factors in demographic variance like lower education or economical disadvantages while evaluating battered women’s mental healthiness.




