  • 學位論文


A Study on the TOC Problem Solving Model

指導教授 : 王晃三


就管理問題的有效性而言,問題管理者有高手與生手之分,其中問題管理高手處理問題時,隱然有個運作模式存在,令其能於有限的資源、時間等多重限制條件之下,經濟且有效的透過可行的方案,將問題加以管理。本研究選定問題管理模式作為深入探討的重心。 在諸多問題管理模式中,限制理論(TOC, Theory of Constraints )將一個問題看成一個系統,以結構化方式辨認並處理核心問題與周邊問題,已被公認為一個相當有效的問題管理模式,因此,本研究選定TOC問題管理模式為研究重點。 本研究總共分為三部分:釐清與定義問題管理模式、建立問題管理模式檢核項目、以SARS個案評析TOC優缺點。 為了解TOC問題管理模式之要義,本研究首先探討問題管理基礎模式之要件與其要件間的關係,並以此基礎模式檢視限制理論問題管理模式,再依理念與思維、歷程、工具、策略以及知識管理機制等要件釐清其解決問題的要義。 接著,本研究以台灣SARS疫情管制作為問題管理的實證研究個案,用以觀察限制理論解決問題時,運作上之優點及缺點,並以系統理論的觀點:從整體性、目的性、自組織性…等八大特徵出發,發展出一套評估問題管理模式的檢核項目,據此評估限制理論問題管理模式的適用情形、應變調節情形等,作為修正TOC問題管理模式的參考。 最後,本文針對上述TOC問題管理模式之整體表現與短缺之處,以現有限制理論問題管理模式為基礎,加入QCC、KT、8D等常見問題管理模式的優點於評析要項之中,進而建構一個較能切合實際需要的「TOC問題管理模式」。


It is easy to distinguish an expert from novice by the way one deals with a problem. While a problem solving expert is at work, there seems to exist a model which enables he or she to solve the problem in economically and effectively. It is the task of this study to capture the essence of problem solving models. Among various problem solving models, the Theory of Constraints has been widely accepted as an effective one, owing to its strength in recognizing and dealing core problem in a systematic way. We therefore take TOC as the object of our in-depth study. This core of this study ramifies into three parts: (1) Clarification and definition of the P.S.M. (2) Development of evaluation scheme for P.S.M. (3) Evaluation of the P.S.M through care study. First, we explore for the kernels of the base problem solving model. The basic elements are identified and defined. Based on the above, the TOC P.S.M. is then re-structured and presented. Second, we undertake a case study on SARS in Taiwan, aiming at observing the strength and shortcomings of the TOC P.S.M. at mean time. We develop an evaluation scheme of the model based on the General System Theory. It is then utilized for evaluation on the performance of TOC. Finally, based on the finding from the above and added with the strength found in other P.S. models such as QCC, KT and 8D, a proposal is made to enhance TOC P.S.M for better performance.


TOC Problem Solving Model Problem Solving SARS


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吳良玉(2012)。限制理論用於醫療材料存貨管理之研究- 以某區域級教學醫院為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201200123
