  • 學位論文


The Effects of Employee Assistance Programs on Expatriates’ Cultural Adaptation -Take the Subsidiary Companies in Taiwan as The Example

指導教授 : 王如鈺


在全球化經營的趨勢下,跨國企業方興未艾,其中海外派遣人員之運用及成效更攸 關多國籍企業之策略與營運成效。然後多國籍企業橫跨各國,子公司遍佈世界,故母公 司所位於的國家與子公司所位於的國家不僅在政治、經濟、社會、法律可能會有所不同, 兩者間的文化也可能有很大的社會文化差異。文化差異而不能適應的結果,往往會造成 外派任務的失敗。根據調查,每個失敗的海外任務造成企業平均約二十五萬到一百二十 五萬元的直接損失。 本研究著重在探討是否海外派遣人員自我的個人因素、家庭、還有公司的海外派遣 政策,以及與子公司國家文化差異程度會影響其文化適應。並且加入了員工協助方案做 為調節變數,來探究是否能正面的增加其他變數對文化適應的影響。 本研究採用問卷調查法,共發放在於了解公司基本資料以及員工協助方案實施情況 的人事單位問卷406 份,以及了解來台外派人員基本資料和文化適應之外派人員問卷 1218 份,共發放中、英、日文三種問卷。而最終的有效人事單位問卷為20 份,而外派 人員問卷為22 份。 在個人層面方面,管理的足智多謀和無疆界職涯想法對文化適應都有正向的影響, 而配偶與子女的文化適應有助於來台外派人員的一般性適應;在海外派遣政策方面,任 期重疊和權變的績效獎酬制度皆對來台外派人員的文化適應有正向的影響;在與地主國 國家社會文化差異方面,與地主國不確定差異越小時,則對於互動適應越高。


The amount of multinational companies (MNCs) is rising at the trend of globalization, and the expatriate is the key to operate and execute the strategies of MNCs. However, the politic, economy, society and law in host country are different from home country that causes the cultural differences. The cultural difference is the main reason that results in the failure of oversea assignments. According to the literature, it directly costs the companies about two hundred and fifty thousands to one million and two hundred thousands USA on average when the oversea assignment failed. This study focus on whether the factors of individual, family, oversea policies and social cultural difference with the host country will effect the expatriates’ cultural adaptation. In addition, the research also adds the Employee Assistance Programs as the moderate factor to exanimate whether it enhances the positive influence of the factors mentioned on expatriates’ cultural adaptation. This study adopted quantitative method and developed two sorts of questionnaires. One was designed for human resource department and it was used for investigating the features of the companies and the degree of Employee Assistance Programs the companies conducted. The total amounts of HR questionnaires were 406 copies. The other one was designed for expatriates from other countries to Taiwan, and the surveys were used for investigating the background, basic data, and cultural adaptation of expatriates. This research also translated the questionnaire from Chinese version to English one and Japanese one. The total amounts of Expatriate questionnaire were 1,218 copies. Finally, there were 20 copies of returned HR questionnaires and there were 22 copies of Expatriate questionnaires. In the individual section, managerial resourcefulness and boundaryless careers of expatriates influenced positively their cultural adaptation and the cultural adaptation of their family members assisted them to increase the general adaptation. In the oversea policy section, succession planning and performance-reward contingency affected positively the expatriates on their cultural adaptation. In the social cultural difference section, when the gap of uncertainty value between expatriates’ home country and host country was lower, the interaction adaptation of expatriate was higher.


Takeuchi, R., Yun, S. & Russell, J.E.A. (2002) Antecedents and consequences of the
Resource Management, 13(8), 1224-1244.
