  • 學位論文


The Study on the Relationship between Stock of Private Placements and Business Performance

指導教授 : 高儷華


由於政府設立私募制度以提供公司多元籌資管道,期望公司充份運用私募資金,提升財務及公司經營績效。惟自私募制度引進以來,卻發現存有許多有價證券運作衍生之問題。因此本研究首先探討現金增資公司之經營績效是否較私募股權公司為佳,換句話說,現金增資公司與私募股權公司之經營績效是否存在重大差異性,此為研究目的之一。其次再以私募股權公司為樣本,進一步探討影響私募股權公司經營績效之因素。研究結果如下: 一、財務分析方面:於增資當年度及前後年度等三年度現金增資公司於償債能力、獲利能力及現金流量等三個指標上現金增資公司明顯優於私募股權公司,具有顯著性差異,與融資順位理論相符。 二、就私募股權樣本採行迴歸分析,探討資本支出成長率、營業規模成長率、現金增資規模、每股增資價格、增資目的、內部人持股比率等自變數對公司經營績效五個構面之影響,顯示結果如下: (一)資本支出成長率:於償債能力指標之流動比率及利息保障倍數、獲利能力指標之資產報酬率、股東權益報酬率及每股盈餘等應變數上,資本支出成長率與私募股權公司之經營績效差異達顯著水準,且呈正相關,表示若增資後有再進行投資,則經營績效較佳。Truement(1986)主張資本支出對於公司價值具有正面之影響效果及Cheng(1995)研究發現,就發行權益證券籌資之公司而言,未進行投資者在發行後績效下降,而進行投資者則無此現象,實證結果與Truement(1986)及Cheng(1995)研究結果一致。 (二)營業規模成長率:於五個財務構面之13項指標皆顯示營業規模成長率與私募股權公司之經營績效差異達顯著水準,且呈正相關,表示營業規模成長率越大,私募股權公司之經營績效越佳。 (三)現金增資規模:於償債能力指標之流動比率及利息保障倍數、經營能力指標之存貨週轉率及總資產週轉率等應變數上,顯示現金增資規模與私募股權公司之經營績效差異達顯著水準,且呈負相關,表示可能表示其資金需求大,負債比率及利息支出偏高,進而降低流動比率及利息保障倍數。 (四)每股增資價格:僅於成長情形指標之營業利益成長率,顯示現金增資規模與私募股權公司之經營績效差異達顯著水準,且呈正相關。 (五)增資目的:於獲利能力指標及現金流量指標,顯示增資目的與私募股權公司之經營績效差異達顯著水準,且呈負相關,表示若增資目的為充實營運資金及償還借款,其本身之獲利情形不佳,故增資後對其獲利改善助益不大。 (六)內部人持股比率:於五個財務構面之13項指標皆未顯示內部人持股比率增加與私募股權公司之經營績效差異達顯著水準,無法驗證訊息傳遞假說及利益收斂/掠奪假說。


經營績效 私募 現金增資


The system of private placement was established by government with the expectation that multiple channels of fund-raising provided for companies would, by utilizing the fund coming from the private placement, improve their financial affairs and performances. However, since the introduction of private placement, many problems derived from the operation of securities arose. This study first explores whether the performances of companies utilizing capital increase by cash are superior to those of companies utilizing private placement. In other words, the major purposes of this study are to find out if there are any significant differences between capital increase by cash and private placement and to explore the factors influencing business performance by using companies currently utilizing private placement as study samples. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. Financial Affairs: The indexes of the abilities of debt paying, profit making and cash flow of companies utilizing capital increase by cash were significantly better than those companies utilizing private placements were, and this result corresponds to the Pecking Order Theory. 2. By using regression analysis of the samples of private placements to study the variants of growth rate of capital expenditure, the growth rate of business scale, the scale of capital increase by cash, price increase per share, purpose of capital increase by cash and the stock holding ratio of internal personnel, five results were found: (1) Growth Rate of Capital Expenditure: As to the dependable variables of the index of the ability of debt paying (cash flow and interest cover ratio) and the index of profit making (shareholder equity, ROE and earning per share), there is a significant relationship between the growth rate of capital expenditure and the performance of companies utilizing private placement. The positive correlation shows that if there is investment after the capital increase by cash of a company, the performance will be better. Truement’s research (1986) claimed that capital expenditure had a positive effect on company’s values and Cheng’s study (1995) suggested that the performance of companies issuing equity securities would worsen if there were no investment; however, this effect would not be seen in the companies that did invest. The empirical proofs researched match the findings of Truement and Cheng’s studies. (2) Growth Rate of Business Scale: The 13 indexes of the five facets of the financial structure all indicate that significance exists between the growth rate of business scale and the business performance of the companies utilizing private placement, and there are positive correlations. This means that the bigger the business scale is, the better the performance of the companies utilizing private placement will be. (3) Scale of Capital Increase by Cash: As for the dependable variables such as the index of debt paying ability (current ratio, interest cover ration) and the index of ability of running business (inventory turnover and total assets turnover), a significance exists between the scale of capital increase by cash and the business performance of the companies utilizing private placement. Such correlations are negative which means that the bigger the demand of the capital, the higher the debt ratio and the interest expense will be. This would decrease the current ratio and the interest cover ratio. (4) Price Increase per Share: This was found only in the index of growth such as the growth rate of profit margin indicating that significance exists between the scale of capital increase by cash and the business performance of the companies utilizing private placement. Such correlation is positive. (5) Purpose of Capital Increase by Cash: This was evidenced in the indexes of the ability of profit making and the current ratio. This means that significance exists between the purpose of capital increase by cash and the business performance of the companies utilizing private placement and the correlation is negative. This indicates that if the purpose of capital increase by cash is to improve operational capital and to pay debt, the benefit will not be too great if the conditions of profit making are unfavorable. In addition, the capital increased will not significantly affect the condition of profit making. (6) Stock Holding Ratio of Internal Personnel: No significance was found between the stock holding ratio of internal personnel and the business performance of the companies utilizing private placement in any of the 13 indexes of the five facets of the financial structure. No supporting evidence was found to support either the hypothesis of information transmission or the hypothesis of interest constringency/pillage.


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