  • 學位論文

國民小學校長第五級領導、教師組織公民行為 及學校效能關係之研究:以桃園縣為例

A Study on Relationships among Elementary School Principals’ Level 5 Leadership, Teachers’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior and School Effectiveness: An Example of Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 楊慶麟


中文摘要 本研究旨在探討桃園縣國民小學校長第五級領導、教師組織公民行為與學校效能之現況,並分析不同背景變項之差異、相關及預測情形。以桃園縣公立國民小學校長及教師為研究母群,分層隨機抽取75所學校,1108位教師為研究樣本,以「國民小學校長領導第五級 領導問卷」、「教師組織公民行為問卷」以及「國民小學學校效能問卷」為研究工具實施調查研究,問卷回收996 份,有效問卷951份,可用率為80.4%。問卷回收以描述性統計、t-test、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、典型相關及多元迴歸等統計方法進行資料分析。 本研究結果歸納如下: 一、桃園縣國小校長第五級領導各層面以「勇敢面對困境」最高,「掌握刺蝟原則」最低。 二、桃園縣國小教師組織公民行為各層面以「自我要求」最高,「主動助人」最低。 三、桃園縣國小教師學校效能各層面以「教師教學效能」最高,「社區家長支持」最低。 四、男性、校長年資較長、教師教學年資較長、學歷較高、擔任主任、學校規模較小及學校地點在鄉、鎮者,其校長第五級領導較高。 五、教學年資較長、學歷較高、教師兼主任、任教學校規模較小及學校地點在鄉、鎮者,其教師組織公民行為較高。 六、男性、教學年資較長、學歷較高、擔任主任、學校規模較小及學校地點在鄉、鎮者,其學校效能較高。 七、校長及教師在校長第五級領導、學校效能之整體及各分層面上達顯著差異,且校長對於校長第五級領導及學校效能之知覺均高於教師。 八、「校長第五級領導」與「學校效能」之間,呈顯著正相關。 九、「校長第五級領導」與「教師組織公民行為」之間,呈顯著正相關。 十、「教師組織公民行為」與「學校效能」之間,呈顯著正相關。 十一、學校效能各層面中以「認同組織」對於整體學校效能最具預測效果。 本研究依據上述結果,提出之建議如下: 一、對教育行政機關之建議: 在校長甄選、儲訓、遴選與視導中強調第五級領導內涵,並納入校務評鑑及校長考核中。 二、對校長的建議: 宣導第五級領導內涵,訂定職務輪調制度,鼓勵資深優良教師進行課程領導或同儕視導。 三、對教師之建議: 教師多利用空餘時間從事學位進修及研習,嘗試從事行政工作,並與同儕進行合作學習。 四、對未來研究之建議: (一)本研究僅針對桃園縣公立國民小學,未來可將研究對象擴大,增加研究的廣度。 (二)未來可透過深度訪談、質性研究及進階統計方法,與量化結果做多面向的交互檢證。 (三)未來可增加專家效度的程序及研究工具的適切度,使研究結果更臻完美。


Abstract This study investigates the current situation, different background variables effecting, forecast and relationships of principals’ level 5 leadership, teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior(OCB)and school effectiveness for elementary school of Taoyuan County. According to “principals’ level 5 leadership questionnaires, teachers’ OCB questionnaires and school effectiveness questionnaires”, based in Taoyuan County using stratified random sampling of 1108 teachers from 75 schools. Receiving back 951 valid ones after the elimination of 15 invalid ones. The valid response rate is 80.4%. All data collected were analyzed by the methods of descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, canonical correlation etc. The conclusions are as follows: 1. The highest dimension of Taoyuan County elementary school principals’ level 5 leadership is “facing difficult position”, the lowest dimension is “grasping hedgehog principle” (“predominating hedgehog principle”) 2. The highest dimension of Taoyuan county elementary school teachers’ OCB is “demanding by self ”, the lowest dimension is “helping initiative” 3. The highest dimension of Taoyuan county elementary schools’ effectiveness is “teachers’ teaching effectiveness ”, the lowest dimension is “community parents support” 4. Male, principals, principals’ service longer, teaching service longer, higher education, being chairman, smaller school and schools located in rural areas have higher principals’ level 5 leadership. 5. Teaching service longer, education higher, being chairman, smaller schools and schools located in rural areas makes teachers’ OCB higher. 6. Male, teaching service longer, education higher, being chairman, smaller schools and schools located in rural areas makes schools’ effectiveness higher. 7. Principals and teachers are significantly different on principals’ level 5 leadership & schools’ effectiveness and principals have higher perception than teachers. 8. There is a high positive correlation between principals’ level 5 leadership and schools’ effectiveness. 9. There is a high positive correlation between principals’ level 5 leadership and teachers’ OCB. 10. There is a high positive correlation between teachers’ OCB and schools’ effectiveness. 11. The best forecasting of the dimensions of schools’ effectiveness is “recognizing organization”, followed by “dedicated law-abiding”, “helping initiative”, “find the right guy”, “using technology management” ,“facing difficult position”. Finally, according to the findings above, suggestions are given to educational administrations, principals, teachers and future research. According to the results above, offering suggests as follows: 1. To educational administrations: During the principal selection, training certificates and inspection emphasize level 5 leadership courses and content, meanwhile evaluation into the school. 2. To principals: Advocate level 5 leadership content , set job rotation system and encourage good senior teachers to direct courses or peer inspection. 3. To teachers: Encourage teachers in graduate education and learning, try to take part in administrative work and to cooperate with colleagues to learn. 4. To future research: (A) Expanding the researching area. (B) Through the depth interviews, qualitative research and advanced statistical methods to quantify the results and do more dimensions test for interaction. (C) Increase the process of experts’ validity and the relevance of researching tools, make the research results better.


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