  • 學位論文


Student Behavior in Serious Game with Social Button Effect

指導教授 : 劉士豪


SE遊戲先行測試版於101學年度下學期於軟體專案管理課堂中運行,進行為期四星期的實驗,而在這系統設計的過程中,為了維護學生出題之品質,本研究於系統中加入糾察院的機制,此機制是讓學員間可相互檢舉自己判斷出題不佳的題目,並寫下檢舉原因,再交給遊戲中的學員其它的學員來投票評斷此問題是否合適,希望能以此種方式減少學生亂出題之機率,卻不料學生依舊會因為刷分而出設重複之題目。 此次研究希望在原有系統中加入社群按鈕,這是一種可以讓學生對其他同課程的同學進行肯定的一種機制,也就是像Facebook中按讚的機制,而以往研究皆針對Facebook對廣告商以及企業造成的行銷經濟效益來進行研究及探討,甚少有人將社群按鈕的加入對於發文者以及回應者會產生什麼影響列入研究的考量之中,因此本研究便希望建立一個具有社群按鈕的系統,並與沒加入社群按鈕的系統進行比較,探索學生行為是否會因為加入社群按鈕而產生改變。 經過四週的研究後發現加入社群按鈕的系統與沒加入社群按鈕的系統中學生的表現確實有差異,本研究認為此種無任何積分也無任何懲罰機制的社交按鈕,所賦予的正向回饋力量對於遊戲中的競爭機制具有一定的舒緩效果,不只能讓學生在出題時更加注意自己的題目是否適宜,也對因競爭模式而忽略的教學遊戲真正的用意達到提醒的效果,也因此在最後的學習成效上產生了明顯的差異。


SE game beta run in 2012 Software Project Management class, this is a game for student to study the book, and in this research we observe the student learning behavior in this game for four weeks. In this system design process, we want to maintain students ask question quality, so we add some report function in this game. The function is for students to report the bad question, they can vote to decide is this question right for students. We hope we can maintain the question quality for this game. But in the end students still ask the bad question for gain the score. In this research we want add the social button in the game, which can let students to respond the question which they like. It’s like the like button in Facebook. In the past, the research focus on how Facebook advertisement for enterprise. But no one to research the social button influence on the user. So in this research we want to observe the students behavior in this game and build two game, one add social button, one not add social button. Research the academic achievement and question quality in the game. The result show that students’ behavior is different between the SE game which add social button and not add social button SE game. In the SE game which add social button achievement and question quality is both better than the SE game which not add social button. So we know social button is effective in the SE game for improve achievement and question quality.


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