  • 學位論文


The Study of Customer Knowledge, Sales Promotion and Perceived Risk to Variety Seeking Behavior

指導教授 : 王如鈺


隨著民眾消費型態日益轉變也日漸多樣,消費者於零售的現場所接觸到的環境,以及在選擇過程中面對產品的不同選擇方案,皆會影響其購買的決策。部分消費者會選擇購買熟悉或者是之前使用過且滿意的產品;但另外一部分的消費者,會因為同一種產品的購物次數增加,使得購物行程不再像以往複雜或有新鮮感時,為再次從感受到購物行程中的刺激,將選擇多樣化尋求行為,並自行尋找能滿足消費者的商品、品牌,以獲得購物過程中的樂趣與刺激。大多數的消費者行為皆會涉及風險概念,所以在面臨不同的風險環境下,消費者在追尋這種刺激的購物行為也會受影響。 故本研究欲進一步探討消費者所認知的風險程度與類型,及不同衡量風險的方式,是否對於多樣化尋求產生影響。以及以消費者知識與促銷變項,探討對於消費者知覺風險的關係。本研究以問卷發放的方式針對消費者的多樣化尋求進行研究,並以有購買冷凍食品的消費者為研究對象。此外,透過SPSS的迴歸分析驗證假說,研究結果發現: 1. 消費者知識對知覺風險有負向關係。增加消費者知識,會減少知覺風險。 2. 促銷對知覺風險有負向關係。促銷活動越多,會降低消費者對於冷凍食品的知覺風險。 3. 知覺風險對多樣化尋求呈現負向關係。消費者感受的知覺風險越高,會降低多樣化尋求。 整體而言,本研究的結果除了可以提供冷凍食品業者或零售通路參考外,對於未來欲研究知覺風險主題的研究者,有助於其發展欲建構更好的量測方式與研究參考。`


The types of consumption pattern change diverse nowadays with influence on consumers in retailing environments as well as their different options of products. Parts of consumers will purchase the products which they had bought before or familiar with. Others will pursue products or brands to satisfy their self-fulfillment and also enjoy the process of shopping with joy and excitement. According to the increasing times of repeat-purchase behaviors, these processes might not be complicated and lack of fresh attractions. In addition, most consumers will bear risks in their purchasing behavior. Therefore, the different risks are factors that will affect consumer behavior while pursuing excitement. This research attempts to investigate the degree of consumer risk-perception in alternative ways of measuring. In addition, it has made a survey on whether perceived risk affects the variety seeking behavior. Finally, the research has examined that whether consumer knowledge and sales promotion influence on perceived risk. Quantification is used as the research method, besides, the consumers who have experiences of buying frozen food are known as the subjects of this research. Furthermore, SPSS Regression is applied and the results listed below as the followings. 1. When the consumers maintain higher consumer knowledge, they maintain lower perceived risk. 2. The more sales promotion, the lower perceived risk is maintained by consumers. 3. When the consumers are cognitively aware of higher perceived risk, they maintain lower variety seeking behavior. The results of the study can refer to frozen food firm, retailer, and the researcher who investigate perceived risk and also assist to build the better measurement and consultation as well.


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