  • 學位論文


The Construction and Exploration of Business Model Evolution Lines Based on TRIZ

指導教授 : 沙永傑 周永燦


趨勢是指一連串事件,它們雖然發生在不同的領域,但是彼此間不僅有先後關聯,而且會往相同的方向發展。演化趨勢 (Trends of Evolution) 是系統化創新方法萃思 (TRIZ) 裡其中一項問題解決工具,演化趨勢除了能更有效協助問題的解決,還可以針對系統未來的演化做預測。萃思(TRIZ) 理論是俄羅斯人阿奇舒勒(Genrich Altshuller)研究超過二十萬件以上的專利,歸納出的一套系統化的創新方法。Altshuller認為產品及其技術發展是遵循著一定的客觀規律,技術變革的過程是有規律可循的。掌握其中的規律,就能主動的預測未來的發展。 邁入21世紀,現今的產品與服務模式日新月異,出現許多新的演化趨勢。本研究整理其他學者所提出的趨勢線,並觀察現今的一些案例,根據案例的分析,歸納出未曾出現的過新興趨勢線;再以台灣連鎖便利店為研究對象,運用本研究所發現的新趨勢線,建議可行的營運構想。


A trend refers to a series of events which have a relevance to each other towards the same direction, although they occur in different areas. Evolutionary Trend is a systematic method to extract the essence of innovative thinking (TRIZ) as one of problem solving tools. This method is very useful and more effective in solving the problem. It can also make some predictions regarding the future evolution of a system. TRIZ theory comes from the study conducted by a Russian researcher, Genrich Altshuller, who screened over 200,000 patents in order to sum up a systematic innovation process. Altshuller considered that the products development and technology always follow certain objective rules where different technology in different product family can be obtained using Evolutionary Trend. Hence the process to change the technology is by following the law. Towards the 21st century, today’s products and services are having the ever-changing patterns. That means there will be many new evolutionary trends coming in line. This study generalizes the other evolutionary trend models from various references, analyzes the models from various case studies and formulates a new evolution trend model that has not been proposed from the previous studies. We develop our own new evolution trend to be applied in the area of convenience store chain. The results of this study propose the new business models and give some practical recommendations for the companies.


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