  • 學位論文


Integrating TRIZ Anticipatory Failure Determination and Eco-design Concerns for Green Product Design

指導教授 : 饒 忻


為因應日益嚴重的環保問題,近年來國際間陸續訂出相關環保規範,要求國家或企業需擔負其所生產產品對環境之影響。因此生產者必須以生命週期思維,從產品設計開始,便將環境因素納入其中,讓所生產的產品能夠降低對環境造成的傷害。另外,近年來環保意識的抬頭,綠色消費已成為未來可持續發展之趨勢,所以讓產品符合生態化設計是企業必須重視的。 有鑑於此,本研究提出一個新的綠色產品設計方法,將TRIZ中的預期失效分析(AFD)和生態化設計考量作結合,把環境考量納入AFD的分析流程找出產品潛在的環境有害現象;最後透過TRIZ創新發明原則,找出新的產品設計,以期待能作為綠色產品設計之參考。


In order to resolve the serious environmental problems, in the recent decade the international organizations impose many environment related directives or regulations to require countries and companies to take responsibility for the environmental impacts of their products. The producers have to incorporate this attentiveness from the product life cycle aspect, considering the environmental concerns in the very beginning of the product design stage; in order to reduce the environmental impact. Additionally, because of the rising environmental awareness, green consumption has become a trend in developing at the present. Therefore, product eco-design is an ace issue that any enterprise needs to pay more attention on. Owing to abovementioned facts, this study provides a new methodology of green product design. Integrating Anticipatory Failure Determination (AFD) and eco-design concerns, combined environmental concerns with the analysis process of AFD, this research found the potential non-green phenomenon of the product. Finally, utilizing the TRIZ inventive principles, we come up with new product design. We believe that the result of this study can serve as a new methodology for the eco-design.


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