  • 學位論文


A Study on Pushing Acupuncture Points on Relieving Wrist Tunnel Pain

指導教授 : 周永燦


摘要 腕隧道症候群(Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, CTS)又俗稱滑鼠手,腕隧道位於橈、尺骨關節的附近,由腕骨與腕橫韌帶所組成,負責控制手指的活動與感覺的正中神經是這裡通過的,多發生在個人慣用手。罹患的原因多為手腕使力不當或者是經常做重覆的動作所導致手腕處的正中神經受傷,罹患此疾病的人大多是從事電腦打字相關作業者。但舉凡需長時間使用到手腕關節的人都有可能會得到此疾病。腕隧道症候群在疼痛時會出現手腕無法施力、麻、酸痛的狀況。分析市面上的手腕護具,大致可分為包覆型與支架型兩種,肌肉周圍可緊緊被包覆住,但其並無紓緩腕隧道症候群之疼痛感,因此,本研究主要探討以中醫的觀點在手腕處設計一個穴位壓板,針對腕隧道症候群所帶來的疼痛感進行穴位按壓舒緩實驗,並以使用電腦頻繁度高且已罹患腕隧道症候群的患者為主要實驗對象,透過肌電儀量測使用者在操作電腦時手腕肌肉施力的狀況,輔以 SPSS 22 統計軟體分析,藉以探討患者在穴位按壓前後之手腕肌力的差異性,以證明本研究探討之觀點具有效性,且可舒緩腕隧道症候群所帶來之疼痛,並改善生活中所帶來不方便。 關鍵字: 肌肉骨骼傷害、腕隧道症候群、電腦使用


Abstract The carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is colloquially known as a hand disorder from mouse use. The carpal tunnel is located near the radioulnar joint and is made up of carpal bones and the transverse carpal ligament. The median nerve responsible for controlling the movement and sensation of the fingers passes through this tunnel. The CTS often occurs in the hand that a persona habitually uses largely because of the damage to the median nerve in the wrist caused by improper pull to the wrist or frequently repeated movement. People suffering from CTS are mostly computer typists and designers. However, it does not occur only in people working on computers. Anyone who needs to use the wrist joint for an extended period of time can have CTS. When CTS causes pain, the wrist may be unable to generate force and feel numb and sore. The main purpose of this study was therefore to design a pressure plate to be placed in the wrist from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine and conduct acupressure experiments mainly on highly frequent computer users who already suffered from CTS for relieving pain cause by CTS. An electromyography was used to measure how the wrist muscles in each participant generated force during computer use. This was complemented by analysis using the statistical software SPSS 22 to investigate differences in strength of the carpal muscles before and after the acupressure administration and prove the effectiveness of the approach examined in this study in relieving and mitigating pains and inconvenience associated with CTS. Key word: Musculoskeletal disorders, carpal tunnel syndrome, computer use


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