  • 學位論文


Indoor Air Quality Diagnosis by Self-propelled Vehicle

指導教授 : 游勝傑 王雅玢


環保署在 2011年11月公告「室內空氣品質管理法」的法規,公共場所需要定期檢測與公佈室內的空氣品質狀況,使得室內空氣品質監測系統的建置勢在必行。但目前大多建築物並沒有設置相關偵測設備,若要架設偵測設備,則需要重新配線,或者更動建築物的室內裝潢,不僅配線麻煩,更會造成建置的成本提高。 本研究提出一個『無人自走載具多氣體濃度監測系統』之研究,針對幾項室內空氣汙染物,整合多種氣體感測器,包含溫溼度、懸浮微粒、二氧化碳以及甲醛等偵測器,利用STM32嵌入式模組運作整合自走車與空氣品質監測儀,將感測資料偵測收集傳至雲端平台處理,提供使用者即時觀看監測狀況,若發現某種氣體濃度異常,便可立即做適當的處理。 本研究架構除整合自走車與空氣品質監測儀外,尚須結合網路雲端運算,提供使用者方便分析查詢之平台。


In November 2011, the EPA announced the “Indoor Air Quality Management Law” regulations. Public places need to regularly check and announce indoor air quality conditions, making the establishment of indoor air quality monitoring systems imperative. However, most of the buildings currently do not have related detection equipment. If the detection equipment is to be erected, it is necessary to re-wire or change the interior decoration of the building, which not only has troubles in wiring, but also increases the cost of construction. This study proposes a study on the " self-propelled vehicle multi-gas concentration monitoring system", which integrates various gas sensors for several indoor air pollutants, including detectors such as temperature and humidity, aerosols, carbon dioxide and formaldehyde. The STM32 embedded module integrates the self-propelled vehicle and air quality monitor to transmit the sensing data detection and collection to the cloud platform for processing, providing users with instant viewing of the monitoring status. If a certain gas concentration is found, the appropriate detection can be done immediately. Processing. In addition to integrating self-propelled vehicles and air quality monitors, this research architecture must be combined with network cloud computing to provide a platform for users to analyze and query.


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