  • 學位論文


Enterprise Research of Whole Staff Participation in Mentoring Mechanism ─ a Case Study of W Company T Factory

指導教授 : 曾世賢 蔡文鈞


在數位化的浪潮下,不只消費行為變化快速,連經濟活動的消長也都可能在一瞬間產生巨大變化,產業的革命進化到了工業4.0時代,任何人或任何公司企業都無法躲避這樣衝擊,躲不了也無法躲,不論是個人或企業都必須去適應與調整,保持創新的精神,才能抵抗全球化的威脅。本研究個案是一家金屬材料製造公司,是最典型的傳統製造業,但近年來面臨著知識科技的變化、國內外競爭者的挑戰、與環保法規的課題,經營更是艱辛,個案公司希望藉由全員參與活動之推展,透過科學手法達成改善創新,產生內部人才質變,讓公司可以成為一個以人為本、主動自發的學習型組織,並重新塑造企業的新文化。 本研究以個案訪談的方法,探討個案公司在推動全員參與活動時,增列之輔導機制帶來的影響,希望可以歸納出結論與建議,提供給企業參考。本研究發現(1)增加輔導制度有助於活動的推展;(2)『全員參與』是個載體,其利用多項的單元活動項目,來引導與激起員工的熱情,並藉此培育基層主管領導力;(3)隨著全員參與活動的深化,輔導員專業度需同步提升。


全員參與 輔導機制 精實管理 TPS 5S 目視管理


Under the tide of digitization, not only rapid changes in consumer behavior, but also the growth and decline of economic activities may also make great changes in an instant. The industrial revolution has evolved into the industrial 4.0 era, and no one or any corporate enterprise can avoid such an impact. Whether individuals or businesses must adapt and adjust to maintain the spirit of innovation in order to resist the threat of globalization. This case study is a metal manufacturing company. It is the most typical traditional manufacturing industry. However, in recent years, it has faced the challenges of changes in knowledge and technology, domestic and foreign competitors, problems with environmental laws and regulations problems. Case companies hope to borrow the promotion of Whole Staff Participation in activities to achieve through scientific method and technological innovation, resulting in qualitative changes within the talent, so that companies can become a people-oriented, take the initiative to learn from the organization, and reshape the new culture of the enterprise. This study uses the method of case interview to discuss the influence of the additional mentoring mechanism promoted by individual companies in the promotion of Whole Staff Participation. It is hoped that the conclusions and suggestions can be summarized and provided to the enterprises for reference. This study found that (1) The system of mentoring mechanism is helpful for the promotion of activities; (2) “ Whole Staff Participation “ is a vehicle that uses a number of unit activities to guide and inspire staff enthusiasm, and to foster grassroots supervisors strength; (3) With the deepening of Whole Staff Participation in activities, the mentor need to improve professionalism.


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