  • 學位論文


The Economic Impact Analysis of In-Town Check-in Service - A Case of Taipei Main Station of Taoyuan Airport MRT

指導教授 : 廖祐君


2017年3月2日桃園機場捷運開通,同時A1臺北車站也開始提供市區預辦登機服務(In-Town Check-in)。此項服務提供桃園機場出境之旅客於A1臺北車站預先領取登機證並托運行李,同時搭乘桃園機場捷運前往機場,為出國旅客帶來了極大的便利。 旅客在辦理完報到手續後至航班表定起飛時間前,會有一段空閒時間;除去搭乘機場捷運前往機場所需時間,旅客可以在剩餘時間內自由活動,因而產生一定的經濟影響。而該航空服務在亞洲並非普遍可見,過去亦少有探究該服務衍生之經濟影響;因此本研究針對臺北車站市區預辦登機服務衍生之經濟影響進行分析,並對其未來發展潛力提供適當之計算。 本研究先藉由分析航空公司班表瞭解旅客可自由活動之時間範圍;再分析到訪臺北市旅客特性及臺北市現有一日遊行程,並依此設定符合本研究之一日遊行程;接著利用電子發票使用資料及台灣觀光衛星帳計算各景點人均到訪支出,得到本研究一日遊行程之各細項支出;最後通過投入產出法及區位商數法求得市區預辦登機服務衍生之產出效果、就業效果及所得效果。 研究結果顯示,現時市區預辦登機服務全年至少可以帶來觀光收入6百萬元新臺幣;創造2千4百萬元新臺幣觀光相關產值;增加國民所得1千3百萬元新臺幣;增加就業機會13個。若現有服務設備全部投入使用且全負荷運轉,則全年至少可以帶來觀光收入7千5百萬元新臺幣;創造2.97億元新臺幣產值;增加國民所得1.6億元新臺幣;增加就業機會161個。若未來該服務規模增至現有3倍,則至少可帶來觀光收入2.26億元新臺幣;創造產值8.91億元新臺幣;增加國民所得4.8億元新臺幣;增加就業機會483個。若桃園機場未來五年超額出境之外籍旅客(搭乘機場捷運)依前文所提之運具比例於A1臺北車站使用該服務,則至少可帶來觀光收入2.22億元新臺幣;創造產值8.77億元新臺幣;增加國民所得4.72億元新臺幣;增加就業機會474個。


Taipei In-Town Check-in service was launched at March 2, 2017, and had attracted more than 183,722 passengers on the first year of operation. As the In-Town Check-in service was built to enable airline passengers to check in at A1 Taipei Main Station in advance in the centre of Taipei, the primary purpose of this study is to evaluate the economic impacts of this service. The study used the input-output method to estimate the output value, employment opportunities and national income, and provided somne suggestions for related government office based on the results of different scenario simulations. The study result indicats that the operation of In-Town Check-in service equipts abilities to contribute on increasing tourists and tourism income, as well as to make the area a more popular transfer spot. The economic impact analysis showed that the In-Town Check-in with the potential to create $6 million annual tourism revenue, $24 million annual tourism output, $13 million national income and 13 jobs. If the foreign outbound passengers used the service based on mode share at the A1 Taipei station in the next five years, it will generate $0.2 billion in tourism revenue, $0.87 billion in tourism output value, $0.47 billion in national income and 474 job opportunities as estimated.


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