  • 學位論文


The Study of the Complex Numbers in the High School and It's Geometric Meaning Teaching Materials

指導教授 : 吳裕振


摘要 本論文主要是針對高中複數及其幾何意涵教材作分析研究,前面的內容大部份取自龍騰文化出版社的數甲上冊及南一書局的數甲上冊,還有網路文章做刪減整理,另外也加入了自己的詮釋和看法讓讀者更了解複數及其幾何意涵。 而本論文的主要貢獻是在第八及第九章,第八章內容為複數幾何意涵觀念的釐清和解釋,希望能幫助學生對於感到困惑的部分有進一步的了解也會說明教學現場學生易犯之錯,第九章則是透過一些複數幾何意涵的代表性題目來測驗學生,讓學生能循序漸進加深印象,第十章則是提供一些題型,讓程度較好的學生利用複數及幾何概念來解題。


高中 複數 幾何意涵


Abstract The thesis is mainly about complex numbers and geometric definitions included in senior high school math textbooks. The first half of the thesis, from chapter 1 to chapter7, is based on senior high school math textbooks and materials on the Internet. On top of that, my perspective and interpretation is supposed to make it easier to understand complex numbers and geometric definitions. The contribution of the thesis mainly lies in the second half, ranging from chapter 8 to 10. Chapter 8 is intended to clarify the concepts of geometric definitions of complex numbers, which hopefully helps students to cope with the confusing parts. In chapter 9, basic practice questions are provided to equip students with basic concepts. By practicing the basic questions, students are supposed to get familiar the concepts. Meanwhile, in chapter 10, more complicated questions are provided for more advanced students, who are expected to solve the questions based on the concepts they have learned previously.


1.高中數學第一冊(103課綱龍騰版) 許志農
2.高中選修數學甲上(103課綱龍騰版) 許志農
3.高中選修數學甲上(103課綱南一版) 林福來
